RT @wycats: I'm very proud of http://jsmodules.io/cjs. 1.5 years ago, the translation would not have been 1:1. It is not an accident that it's 1:1 today.
RT @codinghorror: I'll say it again: this is how all textbooks should work, from now on, forever http://bost.ocks.org/mike...
RT @EmberSherpa: If you’re writing a blog post on Ember.js, please DO NOT use CoffeeScript for code examples. It just adds to confusion. Pls, retweet.
RT @HenrikJoreteg: Human JavaScript is now free to read online: http://read.humanjavascript.com
RT @sotak: The life of a software engineer https://twitter.com/sotak...
RT @joshpuckett: @joeyschoblaska I underestimated the value of learning (or environments where that's encouraged and expected) until Dropbox.
RT @jergason: Alright friends, http://jspm.io/ is amazing and you should pay attention to @guybedford’s work on modules in the browser.
RT @elasticsearch: Just released: #Logstash 1.4.2 - vulnerability fixed. Using Zabbix or Nagios outputs? Upgrade now! More here >> http://www.elasticsearch.org/blog...
RT @FutbolsaCountry: #USA executed their gameplan perfectly. But nobody on the technical staff could have predicted that Ronaldo would pass to a teammate.
RT @headinthebox: We should make math fun for for *every* age like this! http://jdh.hamkins.org/math-fo...
npm, sigh
RT @mikelikesbikes: I really dislike web programmers who break the back button. It’s pure laziness.
RT @_jden: as much trash as people talk on mongodb, it remains a useful, versatile tool for rapid prototyping
RT @pluralsight: Ember.js is becoming a favorite MVC JavaScript framework for many web devs! Learn it in @robconery's new course ==>http://pluralsight.com/trainin...
RT @SlexAxton: Just put a tooltip on it.
Verifying myself: I am ryanhirsch on Keybase.io. Q5WYXGjXOPEDr2raJXdvrttKrjz0Z_73ESZ9 / https://t.co/edHMDaSjn2
RT @joemccann: If node or NPM doesn’t excite you, maybe mounting a torrent as a filesystem in real time with JavaScript will: https://github.com/mafinto...
RT @ryanflorence: What's (bower | firefox)? A (package manager | browser). How do I get it? With (npm | IE) What's that? A (package manager | browser)
RT @ryanflorence: Budgeted a day each for 6 features, did them all in 2 hours. Thank you ember.js for making my estimations even worse than they were already
RT @shawndumas: .@shawndumas @BoomMcSplode so it kinda depends on what you are trying to do. building a FW? —> AngularJS building an app? —> @EmberJS
RT @joemccann: Total Number of GitHub Repositories by Programming Language https://twitter.com/joemcca...
RT @robconery: Putting the final touches on my next @pluralsight course: Ember Fundamentals. It’s coming together nicely!
RT @holman: Remember the 80/20 rule of code: 80% of code exists to fix the other 20% of code which is actually a big hack to fix the first 80% of code.
RT @1uigi: Interesting: CloudFlare finds that SSL keys were *not* vulnerable due to Heartbleed: http://blog.cloudflare.com/answeri... (h/t @tjl)
RT @aredridel: http://xkcd.com/1354/ Nails it better than anyone
RT @JavaScriptDaily: 5 Free Beginner-Friendly Books for Learning Node.js: http://codecondo.com/5-free-...
RT @igrigorik: nice writeup on getting started with SVG: http://tympanus.net/codrops... - filters / animations / media queries. vector formats ftw!
RT @eviltrout: Lots of people still don't know that the major pain points of infinite scrolling can be solved: https://t.co/4n1n1B5w0Z
RT @johnkpaul: How to write maintainable Angular directives? Basically do everything Ember components make you do. http://www.codelord.net/2014...
RT @coderberry: slick - the last carousel you'll ever need http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick...