California rocks. 4 days ago I was snowboarding in crazy powder. Today it feels like summer
Epic powder day at Northstar. Exhausted but recharged
RT @davemcclure: missed 1st half #YC but @Inporia just gave ballsiest, most understated demo i've seen last 6 mos. (disclosure: I'm *in*)
Proud of the @startmate pitches today at @500startups. Definitely up to valley standards
Two awesome new startups @connectedhq and @noteleaf. Their technology feels like magic. Definitely helps me keep organized, try them.
Obligatory double rainbow photo
Looking to add an awesome rails dev to the team... let me know if you have any recommendations
Hope the cold weather in SF lasts longer because I've spent way too much on winter fashion lately...
RT @TechCrunch: Yuri Milner, SV Angel Offer EVERY New Y Combinator Startup $150k by @arrington
We are definitely staying in the most pimp house in tahoe. There is no way porn has not been made here
Flew a 1981 Cessna 172RG today. Going back to steam gauges was very WTF... miss the G1000. Retractable gear is fun tho.
Didn't think Black Swan lived up to expectations. Natalie Portman was great though.
I can feel 2011 approaching. This year is going to be big!
Just ordered the Smith/Skullcandy bluetooth kit for my helmet after realizing how much faster I snowboard with music
City hall looks very festive
For some reason walking through South Park feels very East coast
Finished reviewing @startmate applications. Quality is high. If you arent selected I hope you continue with your startup and prove us wrong!
1:20 from Palo Alto to Tahoe
I used to think cross-browser testing was a pain in the @$$ until I tried to create an HTML email...
Did my first solo night flight. Peaceful up there.
Isis has the potential to bring the US payments ecosystem into the 21st century
Aussie entrepreneurs: apply to StartMate RT @startmate Let's Do This Australia - Applications Close Soon
US citizens: go vote on prop 19! 2.5 hours left. Others: green card lottery applications close tomorrow!
Can't stop listening to the SF police scanner. Some serios rioting going on in the mission.
Now I'm worried that SF is going to be so hungover tomorrow they forget to vote on prop 19...
Wow, I don't think I've ever heard an entire city cheer this loud for this long.
SF is going crazy. Way to go Giants
I guess the giants just won. The crowd can't be cheering this loud for Billy Idol, as cool as he still is :)