Richard Lawler
What's on your HDTV: 'Gotham', 'Scorpion', 'Sleepy Hollow' and 'The Blacklist' -
RT @dj_RTistic: Windows 3.1 Ski Free playin ass RT @JumpManZ: This dude Wiz dressed like a 1995 software programmer
RT @stroughtonsmith: Why 6+ over 6? The 6 is for somebody who wants the same iPhone, only slightly bigger. 6+ is for somebody who wants something /more/.
RT @Annaleen: Damn I was really hoping for the future of Doomsday to come true, with Scottish plague cannibals fighting medieval knights in race cars.
Thursday night football so. trash. I'm not even watching the game, just looking at tweets
RT @FieldGulls: The lesson I think the NFL has learned here is obviously that we need more Wednesday night football
yeah @IkireJones Hope Solo caught a DV charge back in July, hit her sister and nephew
While we're all focused on family issues and domestic violence by athletes, kinda interesting Hope Solo is playing in this game right now
Those last two RTs were consecutively in my timeline about CNN screwing up two completely different stories
RT @RussellHFilm: GOOD GRIEF. RT @jeffpearlman: CNN continues to impress.
RT @AntDeRosa: CNN, you never fail to disappoint
.@pdawg17 I enjoy playing Destiny. There is no story. The combat is watered-down Halo (not entirely a bad thing). That's my review.
C'mon Mark, pick up the pieces of webOS to take on Android and let's run it back to 2010 via @engadget
RT @StuHorvath: Instead of mucking up the works with algorithms, @Twitter should revamp their harassment report protocols.