mike fabio

I work and play on the internets.
I, for one, love this: The Public Library Wants To Be Your Office http://www.fastcompany.com/3034143...
I'm not surprised. Just disappointed. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m...
I'm not surprised. Just disappointed.
After over 10 years as a Mac user, I'm now almost incapable of offering tech support to my Windows-based family. Not that that stops them :)
Photogs: what's your day rate, without travel? (feel free to DM me if you don't want to share publicly)
Closing out a beautiful night in Knoxville with some jazz in the square @ Market Square, Knoxville http://instagram.com/p...
Quick poll: are you for or against DRM, regardless of content type?
The 'Hoff says "It's too damn hot." http://instagram.com/p...
I'm all for sharing the road with bicycles, but I have no sympathy for anyone gets hurt without a helmet or running a stop sign.
procrastinatingpoet: England 1969 - London, Piccadilly looking towards Piccadilly Circus by borntobewild1946 on Flickr. - http://iamfaster.tumblr.com/post...
RT @BackPorchGroup: You can now listen to our podcast, Conversely, on @Spotify @Rdio @beatsmusic and others. If that's your thing. https://t.co/marN5hxWMr
RT @getbandposters: Just sent our first posters to Alaska (!) for Braided River Band. #milestones
I've decided I can't take one more day of @Spotify. And thus my month-long trial ends. Back to @Rdio!
I believe people with truck nuts are actively trying to look like douchebags.
At least there's a view @ St. Thomas Midtown http://instagram.com/p...
A chat with the award-winning writer who's perfecting the art of digital comics http://www.theverge.com/2014... via @verge @markwaid
How do you pronounce biopic?
It's 2014 and buying digital goods still sucks https://twitter.com/revrev...
deantrippe: Happy Batman Day from a boy who needed saving. Happy Batman Day, everyone. - http://iamfaster.tumblr.com/post...
Now I officially feel like startup guy - http://www.flickr.com/photos...
Looking forward to the end of my first month of @Spotify. Mostly because this is my last new release Tuesday before I switch back to @Rdio.