"Agreed, that's very high for many bands. My company, Bandposters offers high quality posters sent directly to the gig, just $15 including shipping. https://getbandposters.com"
- mike fabio
Wasn’t so long ago. This album changed the way I listened to music
MTV’s Amp (album) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) - http://iamfaster.tumblr.com/post...
Marketing, Working in the Corporate Music Industry, and Mentors, with iamfaster, co-founder of Bandposters
From the Crewlab podcast - http://iamfaster.tumblr.com/post...
Just burned through every issue of Rat Queens, and I think I’ve found another favorite comic. So funny, so irreverent, so ballsy. - http://iamfaster.tumblr.com/post...