Renee Hendricks Freelance Web Developer and Writer, Social Media Lover, Atheist
Tweet from my new phone. Been resting today. Back to normal tomorrow.
The Renee Hendricks Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @CrispySea @harto @_ccm
The Renee Hendricks Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @matwilson6 @liberalandold @pjdelcampo2attn
Spending time with my guy. Back later!
Awww. What a surprise! @keepingrecords1 got suspended. I predict less than 1 hour before Dawn Gordon the creepy stalker is back!
Checking on my guy and time for another shot :D
Weren't my videos, dumbass :) Mirrors. Do you even know the English language...just a bit? @keepingrecords1
Yes. My guy said he'd make a visit to @keepingrecords1 if he was terminal. Since that's not happening, we'll resort to other measures :)
You are a disgusting piece of shit that won't go away. You continuously harass and stalk. You are fucking sick. @keepingrecords1
ANOTHER Dawn Gordon stalker from Brampton Ontario account - @keepingrecords1 - report and block :D
Oh noooooo! Want me to put up all the death wishes, threats, and fake lawyer accounts you've put out cupcake? @keepingrecords1
Come on, Dawn Gordon. Still not showing me your best. I've been around with the same account for nearly 6 years. You? Not so much ;)
T minus about 40 minutes until we start recording the latest Chill Girls in Pink Corvettes! #CGIPC
LOL! In less than a minute, @catchingu25 (Dawn Gordon stalker from Brampton Ontario) is suspended :D Loving it!
Hey there, you stalking piece of shit :) Your time is counting down on the 'net. Enjoy it while you can :) @catchingu25
Cute - at almost 16, Middle Gal still loves drawing outside with sidewalk chalk :D
Neither, actually. @aratina The thought of either kind of makes me sick to my stomach :) #FTBullies
We're doing another today at 10 am PST and it will be up before 7 pm PST (editing and all that). #CGIPC
As my YT account is supsended for 2 weeks, if you have missed any #CGIPC podcasts, you can catch up at :D
And yet, not a single attempt to get rid of videos that speak the truth. Again, thank you @aratina :D #FTBullies
#OperationSmile - Give the gift of a smile. Still $1.25K away from the goal! #cleftlip #cleftpalate #charity
We're thinking that about a week or so after that is when he'll start with the treatments. And he'll feel his worst during his birthday :(
It looks like my guy gets a few days break in appts. Until Friday, that is. The stomach peg is done then. Followed by a dental on Monday.
Before I forget, thank you @aratina for the influx in visitors to my web site :D "Calling arms" worked beautifully :D #FTBullies
My guy's insurance report came yesterday. So far, w/out even getting to the treatments yet, it's cost over $33K. He owes nothing.
RT @michaelshermer: I settled for the Top Gun Tom Cruise aviator OTIII glasses-enables you to land a DC3 on Planet Teegeeack
Yes, please do. And realize I don't restrict opinions that differ nor do I pull free speech! @aratina
RT @aratina: Calling all bullies! Calling all bullies! Converge on Renee's server! #FTBullies
I saw @pzmyers' latest (ok, second to latest) blog post titled "I had a brilliant idea!" and I thought "not in a million fucking years" :D
Come on, Dawn Gordon. Is that the best you've got? You're an ant in comparison. Bring it on, asshat!
The Renee Hendricks Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @PsmithRE @mirandachale @duncanriley
Psst, btw you piece of shit @silencerenee - the videos that were pulled were mirrors. Not my own. But, you're too stupid to figure that out.