Life is so good right now, I wish there was a way to bottle it. #fb
RT @todd_park: Yup, @EJEllisTweets @RebeccaWoodcock @timoreilly A rising tide of healthcare/health IT entrepreneurship is coming -- hallelujah
And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. [Jeremiah 29:13] All. Your. Heart.
Founder's Equity (@ Kicklabs w/ @ai @shreyac) [pic]:
My farewell party from my coworkers (@ E&O Trading Company w/ 4 others) [pic]:
For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required. [Luke 12:48]
Pretty interesting Video RT @erenbali Love this - Dark Patterns
Well done Bram. Finally out! RT @HackerNewsYC BitTorrent Inventor Demos New P2P Live Streaming Protocol
RT @timoreilly: Alas that this important piece is behind a paywall! Where Are The Health Care Entrepreneurs? via Todd Park
RT @cakehealth: Staggering % of Blue Shield CA customers to see 50%+ rate hikes starting in March; refuses delay request
I'm at Hacker Dojo (140 S Whisman Rd, at Ferry Morse Way, Mountain View)
Health insurance pissed me off again this morning. #fb
I'm at Cafe Divine (1600 Stockton St, at Union St, San Francisco) w/ 2 others
I'm at Cafe Divine (1600 Stockton St, at Union St, San Francisco)
I'm at Sociale (3665 Sacramento St, at Spruce, San Francisco)
The research industry is severely flawed when 2009 data is just now being published.
This place is packed like sardines! (@ Barrique w/ 5 others) [pic]:
New Year Resolution #10: All in! - My last day of work is next Fri the 21st. Going full time on my startup! #fb
New Year Resolution #9: Write more "Thank you", "Just because", and "I love you, man" notes to people in my life. #fb
I'm at Zaudhaus (720 York St., Suite 116, San Francisco)
I'm at Coupa Cafe (538 Ramona St, Palo Alto) w/ 2 others
I'm at dell'uva (565 Green St, at Columbus, San Francisco)
"The greater danger is not that our hopes are to high and we fail to reach them, it's that they are too low and we do." -Michelangelo #fb
New Year Resolution #8: Develop an organization strategy for the files on my computer. It's a little messy.
New Year Resolution #7: Use my Groupons already! Sheesh.
New Year Resolution #6: Start writing....something. (*shudders*)
New Year Resolution #5: Continue life simplification process with Auto Bill Pay. I'm paperless now, so why not.
New Year Resolution #4: Wean myself off of Splenda. (*shudders*)
New Year Resolution #3: Find a humanitarian effort to get behind, either with time or $.