RT @Walldo: Al Jazeera TV crew scrambles for cover as police fire tear gas into their reporting position in #Ferguson | AP Photo https://twitter.com/Walldo...
Twitter for Android 也在 Play 页面上增加了权限说明了: https://t.co/Jpvfkg4lh1 很不错, 但再次不由得感叹这个系统真……
RT @SteveHuff: Welcome to America. Your local police have tanks, full body armor and can order the media to "leave." Not alarming at all. #Ferguson
RT @daringfireball: New Microsoft Surface Ads Take on MacBooks (and iPads) Directly: http://daringfireball.net/linked...
还是觉得 SF Apple Store 居然有中文 workshop 教老太太们用 iPad 很…… 穿越.
RT @odin_asgard: 重點是:蘋果說會尊重你的私隱,果粉是會相信的;Google說會重尊重你的穩隱,谷粉說自己「理解的」;而小米說會尊重你的私隱嘛… Hugo Barra 也說他們沒抄襲--這叫做形象了。
还以为穿越到了国内…… (at Apple Store) [pic] — https://t.co/W9eNsouUAt
Link Amps! (我笑了好久…… (at Portal Park) [pic] — https://t.co/5QXlcT6k3y
So classy for Oracle. http://f.cl.ly/items...
RT @schumandammit: Some jackass stole @birdfeeder's bike, help us get it back, twitter. https://twitter.com/schuman...
RT @Horse_iOS: Handset giant Samsung filed a lawsuit today, alleging upstart rival Xiaomi is ripping off Samsung's proprietary method of ripping off Apple
RT @jinxray: .@Google you had one job. https://twitter.com/jinxray...
10.9.4 终于把 Retina Pro 骗人的 “All memory slots are currently in use” 改成 Air: “No user-installable memory slots exist” 了? http://f.cl.ly/items...
RT @jeffz_cn: 支付宝PM:“小张,校验输入时记得要过滤代码。” 小张:“明白,一会儿就做好。” https://twitter.com/jeffz_c...
这个故事告诉我们, 高中物理不好好学是不行的. https://t.co/121uXK8ptG
Almost feel bad for this guy. http://f.cl.ly/items...
RT @CITEworld: Microsoft has lost about $1.7 billion on Surface so far @gkeizer http://www.citeworld.com/article...
RT @wcam: 傻叉Best Buy给了我个浮点数的coupon code https://twitter.com/wcam...
RT @BillGatesCN: 秉持我司优良传统,再改个名不是啥问题 :) https://twitter.com/BillGat...
RT @OrcaXS: 你 Android App 升级关我X事ˊ_>ˋ https://twitter.com/OrcaXS...
青蛙们要不要这么屌! #Ingress http://f.cl.ly/items...
Screenshot_2014-08-04-23-01-36.png http://cl.ly/WuT8
Adorama 最近买 MacBook 送 AppleCare 的活动还是很有吸引力的…… http://prices.appleinsider.com/#applec...
看散热片就能看出哪个 MacBook 在北京, 哪个在南方…… 今天给 Retina Pro 换 480G SSD 被里面黑色粉末状的灰尘吓尿了……
hitting new low…… http://zhi.hu/65dP
「你要傻逼到去设置里把安装未知来源选项勾上。」 https://t.co/nGg8En9s97 贵国的 Android Shills 装外宾水平可以不要这么高吗.
试图 Best Buy+AMEX 买 $325 (最低 $290 对吧?) 的 iPad Air 时遇到了传说中的 “Your order does not qualify for the promotional code entered”… 悲剧… 能求到 USPS 码么- -
试图 Best Buy+AMEX 买 $325 (最低 $290 对吧?) 的 iPad Air 时遇到了传说中的 “Your order does not qualify for the promotional code entered”…… 悲剧……
又是一个转载不写来源的文明用语…… https://t.co/Q9NCfTMQDt 之前试自己忘记密码的设备都是连上之前信任过的电脑, 看起来是有什么漏洞能通过发送数据到手机达到类似的效果. 以及有 Touch ID 的设备绝逼要用复杂密码啊.
RT @SavedYouAClick: No. RT @BuzzFeed: Please Stop Saving Me A Click
HP 员工太感人了…… http://h30471.www3.hp.com/t5...