RT @nickbilton: See, if the 49ers won they wouldn't have said "F**king awesome!" on national television infront of millions of people. Stay classy, Ravens.
Yet another reason to love sf http://vine.co/v/b172pz1ezDn
Moved deeply by the warmth and love from the @VeloSF community (@kitorder, Diane, all of you!) plan to be back soon! http://twitter.com/peterfe...
RT @dens: Twitter is a machine for continual self-reinvention (and Facebook isn't) http://kottke.org/12... <- love this post from @jkottke
RT @pashasadri: Why Software Engineers are (Vastly) Undervalued http://pashasadri.com/2012...
https://kindle.amazon.com/post... The highest achievements in a celebrity culture are wealth, sexual conquest, and fame. It does not matter how...
RT @dickc: Excited to have @peterchernin join the Peter voting bloc on our board of directors. Cc @peterfenton @plscurrie
RT @PeterChernin: @twitter I've been a long-time user of twitter for news and information. Happy to be joining board of this very exciting company.
Jaw-dropping momentum, Big Data's killer app has arrived: @elasticsearch Benchmark thrilled to back the team http://www.elasticsearch.com/blog...
RT @jeremys: Monopoly pushing inferior vertical services hurts consumers... "@karaswisher: Google Shopping's paid inclusion problem http://searchengineland.com/the-mes..."
The elusive happiness of founders...great post from @jesskah CEO, co-founder of @polyvore http://www.jessyoko.com/blog...
RT @nickbilton: During the '08 election we tweeted what they were doing on TV. Four years later, TV is talking about what we're doing on Twitter.
RT @danprimack: Benchmark Capital gets minimalist http://finance.fortune.cnn.com/2012...
Daily twitter emails rock! I highly recommend you go to this link and click on "send daily digest": https://t.co/lTIZ8NNQ
for those of you voting in SF, here's a cool infographic on why we are "Yes of Prop E" http://www.sfciti.com/updates... #YesonE
RT @AquinoWill: Most men die at 27, we just bury them at 72. -Mark Twain
brainstorming a false prophet of creativity...great ideas demand dissent and critical thinking http://www.newyorker.com/reporti...
Celebrating @quixotic and LinkedIn with @mikkelsvane...entrepreneurial company of the year http://twitter.com/peterfe...
RT @Chef_Keller: "Start with something simple...Success plays a big part in our ability to move forward." http://www.jsonline.com/feature... #BouchonBakeryCookbook
RT @FlemmingDave: Jon is a good man RT @AmyGGiants: Via Kuip @FlemmingDave asked Jon Miller if he'd like to call 10th - Miller declined, "It's your time kid".
SFGiants lucky? "Luck is the residue of design" (branch rickey on baseball) #SFgiants #worldseries
Wow! Parsifal soars @deutsche_oper under baton of @morunnicles, music like this to die for (dearly missed @SFOpera) http://twitter.com/peterfe...
A potent insight from @jack for anyone that has "users" in their business: http://jacks.tumblr.com/post...
RT @JPBarlow: That's one humungous step for a man, one even bigger leap towards the end of TV. Red Bull made up their own Superbowl.