Penny Power

Founder of Ecademy and Ecademy Digital School. Teacher of engagement and building your personal digital brand - merging your business and your personal brand
“@HannahIPower: Excited @sampart_ helping @pennypower & I with graphic design -new projects #branding #logos #schoolfriend” (me too)
@TreetechArbServ super to meet and chat tonight - enjoy building your community
@Pera_Elaine @mediationshaun @brethertonsllp @DigitalYouthAC so lovely to chat to you Elaine and feel your passion For this too
Just learned that @mediationshaun can do your legal social media policy for staff and business #LetsGetDigital
@peratraining thank you lovely peeps
RT @peratraining: Excellent talk, as always, from @pennypower telling us her social story! #LetsGetDigital
@AlexandraJardi1 @PeachPubs thank you - lovely feedback
RT @peratraining: @pennypower asks... are you a connected company? Open not closed, random not selective, supportive not controlled? #LetsGetDigital
Last day of work before 2 weeks of holiday,finishing with #LetsGetDigital team @peratraining in Didcot- perfect finish before the beach!
Arrived In Didcot ready for the @peratraining #LetsGetDigital launch - huge Twitter screen!
RT @HannahIPower: I finally get her out of the house and she pops up on my youth web builder e-learning! @pennypower #justkidding
If you are going away - download @touchnote and you can add all your addresses and send a nice picture as a postcard and posted from UK
My week on twitter: 35 New Followers, 114 Mentions, 2.1M Mention Reach, 32 Replies, 36 Retweets. via
I am gloating - temporally! Just emptied by INBOX for the first time since last August as holiday on Sunday -...
Ofcom Tech Teenagers report August 2014 -
@AndyTinlin good thought, but I think they just know how to manage big data and loads of connections and easily bored - good to connect xx
@touchnote great news, so I create from Cyprus and then you post from UK?
@MarcSettle @Ofcom Hi Marc, I am the Founder of @DigitalYouthAC presenting loads on subject u/Ofcom are discussing, I would love this image
RT @ICAEW: Your biz need a boost? #SMEs could get a Govt grant of £3k to improve your broadband connection #boostmybiz @BISgovuk
Proof email is dying @thomaspower teenagers spend 8% of comms via Email, adults 77% #SocialCommunication wins @Ofcom
RT @BBCRoryCJ: Ofcom says we now spend more time on tech and media than sleeping - more from me on R4 and R5 from 0630
RT @Ofcom: Did you know six year olds show the same knowledge of technology as 45 year olds? #CMR2014
RT @Ofcom: How tech-savvy do you think you are? Take Ofcom’s test to find out your Digital Quotient #CMR2014
RT @drewb: The best bits for social media types from this morning's whopper Ofcom report:
Watching BBC news re @ofcom latest report on tech and education "6 year olds have same skills with mobile phones...
RT @BBCBreakfast: Handy infographic showing what media we use/consume, broken down by age (@Ofcom via @MarcSettle) #bbcbreakfast
RT @DigitalCollUK: We are seeking to connect with FE College leaders that have something to say about #DigitalOperational Transformation. @157lynne plse share
@ChrisJones_CEO @157lynne amazing letter Lynne- thank you for sharing Chris
RT @ChrisJones_CEO: A great 'Dear Minister' letter from @157lynne |
@ChrisJones_CEO @157lynne esp"we must find new ways of engaging with employers, we must ensure ur operations are as efficient as they can be