Paul Jacobson

Web and digital media lawyer, blogger, evangelist, maven.
RT @PublicDomainRev: Folger #Shakespeare Library release 80k images from digital collection under open license!
"I wear a Magen David because I am not too small to fight" -
“I wear a Magen David because I am not too small to fight”
“I wear a Magen David because I am not too small to fight” -
The last few weeks have been challenging times for Jews worldwide, particularly here in South Africa where we have been spared the growing anti-Semitism that has gripped much of Europe and other parts of the world. The Israeli campaign in Gaza has inspired tremendous opposition to Israel and its ongoing fight to protect its citizens […] - Paul Jacobson
Works well for me: Slack is killing email
Awesome!! Jason Momoa is officially playing Aquaman in 'Batman v. Superman'
Haven't listened to this for a while. Nice change. ♫ Try by Nelly Furtado (at @webtechlaw) —
New insight: Facebook Messenger is not the privacy threat you should be concerned about
It seems the biggest problem @Blackberry has when it comes to adoption isn't its devices and OS, it is bad PR from fickle media.
.@srbza @Liron_Segev when you add the ability to install Android apps on your @BlackBerry device, suddenly it doesn't seem so limited.
Just had a conversation with @Liron_Segev about security and @BlackBerry. Tempted to switch!
Listening to @WhackheadS talking up Facebook Messenger privacy paranoia. Here is a little perspective:
Was the #proPalestinian march in Cape Town actually attended by 200 000 people? Or did 200 000 people protest around the world yesterday?
Sunday morning videos with breakfast #VSCOcam
Hideaki Hamada: The Wonder of Childhood -
My latest contribution: Much ado about Facebook Messenger privacy settings, but is it nothing? - @htxtafrica
Positive move! Yahoo to begin offering PGP encryption support in Yahoo Mail service
RT @tobyschonwetter: @pauljacobson @bella_velo @brodiegal @georginaguedes @RichardAtUCT Animals can't own (c) but if "composed" by a human that person owns (c)
.@bella_velo @brodiegal @georginaguedes @RichardAtUCT @tobyschonwetter if source image is public domain, photog could own edited version.
.@bella_velo @brodiegal @georginaguedes @RichardAtUCT @tobyschonwetter Wikipedia may have a good point that copyright doesn't vest here.
.@bella_velo @brodiegal @georginaguedes @RichardAtUCT @tobyschonwetter in content under copyright law. Rights for primates is another issue
.@bella_velo @brodiegal @georginaguedes @RichardAtUCT @tobyschonwetter and because its not human, it may not be entitled to have rights ...
.@bella_velo @brodiegal @georginaguedes @RichardAtUCT @tobyschonwetter I think the monkey's fundamental challenge is that it isn't human ...
Google Drive for Work's fundamental insecurity -
Google Drive for Work’s fundamental insecurity
Can we please get over this now? 22 Candid Photos That Show How Beautiful Breastfeeding Really Is
I suspect options like Dropbox and Google Drive are good enough for most data? How to Share Files with Clients
Pretty interesting: Islamic Sects, Schools, Branches & Movements | Information Is Beautiful