Paul Papadimitriou

Catch me if you can
This is the finding of the Grant Study that has emerged most prominently: “It was the capacity for intimate relationships that predicted flourishing in all aspects of these men’s lives.” -
whether you think graffiti can be vandalised depends on your view of what constitutes vandalism -
The project is being developed by researchers at Indiana University, and its purported aim is to detect what they deem “social pollution” and to study what they call “social epidemics,” including how memes — ideas that spread throughout pop culture — propagate. What types of social pollution are they targeting? “Political smears,” so-called... -
There is a world of difference between disruption and destruction. -
Part of the allure of annihilating time and space is our desire to eradicate the unknown, to make everything visible, to reduce our primitive, mystical reliance on our imaginations. Yet empathy depends on imagination. -
Virtual reality is at once a communication platform and a transportation medium. It completely annihilates time and space. -
The ultimate story of virtual reality may turn out to be a story about stories and how we co-evolve with them. -
The design of a signage typeface | I Love Typography -
digital literacy and infrastructure are some of the barriers that keep people offline. But there’s also a lack of incentive, meaning some people don’t use the Internet, even though they could, because they don’t see any point. -
as the furor over Google “Glassholes” suggests, it is still easier to become outraged over other people filming us than at our own inadvertent collusion with the surveillance regime. -
Photos no longer merely document future memories; they define present lifestyles. They circulate and establish personal identity. Engagement with an experience and documenting it are no longer competing impulses, if they ever were — instead they are simultaneous and mutually constitutive. -
There is an inevitable conflict between two distinct social values”—privacy and free speech, Schrage said. “The question is how do societies value those competing rights. Technology didn’t create the tension but just revealed it in a dramatic way. -
We do not know what the future holds in store for us, and whether future governments will honor the trust we put in them to protect information privacy rights. -
for the Court to outsource to Google complicated case-specific decisions about whether to publish or suppress something is wrong. Requiring Google to be a court of philosopher kings shows a real lack of understanding about how this will play out in reality. -
I can tell you everything you need to know about Iliad. The owner is wealthy, he’s got long hair, he made his money in porn and his wife is the heir to Louis Vuitton money. I mean, shit, what else do you need to know? -
That kind of a future is, for better and for worse, coming,” Bahat says. “So I think that’ll happen in agriculture, industry, human relations, sports, I mean, name an industry — the data are coming. -
If, now, you move your voice to a social app, what happens to your phone number? Do you still use it in the WhatsApp sense, as an ID number rather like an ICQ ID? Does it still matter if it changes? Or does it linger on as something for old people and as a mailbox for boring official things (like email?). -
Everybody wants a smartphone: All respondents in the face-to-face surveys were most likely to upgrade their phone in the next 12 months. For example, in Ghana 72% of respondents said they would do so. -
Sub-Saharan Africa is the cockpit of change in terms of the global digital divide and changing media and communications use; in little over a decade it has gone from being largely unconnected to the Internet to having millions of people using it. Because media have been relatively undeveloped—for a host of reasons, including education, income, and... -
If Sony or Disney wants fifty thousand videos removed from YouTube, Google removes them with no questions asked. If your daughter is caught kissing someone on a cell-phone home video, you have no option of getting it down. That’s wrong. The priorities are backward. -
creativemornings: "One of the best pieces of advice I have ever received was to stop waiting for advice." — Helena Price. Watch the talk. -
Psychology has come a long way since Freud, but the brand hasn’t caught up. The new psychological science of the mind and behavior is based on randomized, controlled experiments with measurable behaviors as well as fMRI and physiological data. Ideally, we’ll start rebranding psychology as a source of interesting, rigorous ideas. -
The hedonic treadmill we are on can be characterised as not the pursuit of happiness but the happiness of pursuit. That’s what that people really care about. -