Nathan Rein

Religious studies professor, married father of two, adoptive Pennsylvanian, web addict, stress case, ADD trainwreck.
Re: A Scottish tabloid libels the Churches of Christ -
"I'm not a lawyer, but by publicly alleging libel, aren't you potentially exposing yourself to libel charges in turn?" - Nathan Rein
The scholarly approach is less violent … but at the same time it is extremely contagious in the sense of bringing you down. Continual bondage is put on yourself, all the time. You become heavier and heavier and heavier. You don’t accept anything unless it is logically proven, up to the point that the logic brings you pleasure, the discovery brings... -
Transcending Madness: The Experience of the Six Bardos -
Re: Dear Facebook: If This Isn’t Hate Speech, Then What Is? -
"Is it your opinion that there are no anti-Jewish, anti-Muslim, or anti-gay pages on Facebook? Several comments have made this point, but I'm curious as to whether you actually believe Christians are being singled out for "hate" (what some might call ridicule) more than the other groups you name." - Nathan Rein
From the series “Ecce Homo” by Swedish artist Elisabeth Ohlson Wallin, 1998. Source: -
Research has found that many street offenders anticipate an early death, making them less prone to delay gratification, more likely to discount the future costs of crime, and thus more likely to offend. Ironically, many such offenders also hold strong religious convictions, including those related to the punitive afterlife consequences of... -
Statute Forbidding Any One to Annoy or Unduly Injure the Freshmen. Each and every one attached to this university is forbidden to offend with insult, torment, harass, drench with water or urine, throw on or defile with dust or any filth, mock by whistling, cry at them with a terrifying voice, or dare to molest in any way whatsoever physically or... -
Francis Miller—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images. A little girl receiving tests gazes into pool containing baby ducks — an early use of animals as part of medical therapy, 1956. (via In Praise of Water | -
nends: Georg Bartisch -Ophthalmodouleia (Dresden, 1583); earliest printed work devoted to diseases of the eye -
Anthropomorphic Stele El-Maakir-Qaryat al-Kaafa, near Ha’il, Saudi Arabia 4th millennium BCE Sandstone H x W: 57 x 27 cm National Museum, Riyadh Source: “'Roads of Arabia' Presents Hundreds of Recent Finds That Recast the Region's History,” Smithsonian Magazine (November 15, 2012). -
[W]e have a pervasive self-degradation among low-earning academics — a sweeping sense of shame that strikes adjunct workers before adjunct workers can strike… Self-degradation sustains the adjunct economy, and we see echoes of it in journalism, policy and other fields in which unpaid or underpaid labour is increasingly the norm. It is easy to make... -
Re: Snickering at FoxNews while getting duped by ‘Zealot’ author -
"@Joe Carter , did you know that within the academic field of the study of religion, "history of religions" or "history of religion" is a kind of old-fashioned synonym for "religious studies" or "the study of religion"? (It comes from the German, phenomenological roots of the field, i.e., Religionsgeschichte.) It doesn't have anything to do with having a degree in history. In departments or institutions that call the discipline "history of religions," "sociology of religion" is an area of concentration or specialization within the discipline of "history of religions." A person who identifies him- or herself as a "historian of religion", to an academic in the field, is simply saying "I study religion." Easily misunderstood from a position outside the field, but hey, that's just how it is." - Nathan Rein
Chögyam Trungpa commenting on lojong mind training slogan number twelve, “Drive all blames into one." Source: Chögyam Trungpa and Carolyn Rose Gimian, The Collected Works of Chögyam Trungpa, vol. II (Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2010), p. 158. -
On being an awake loser -
Printer’s device of William Caxton, reproduced from Doctrinal of sapience (Westminster: William Caxton, 1489), L10v. Via University of Manchester University Library. -
Boxer Marlen Esparza, from the ESPN Body Issue. -
"Everything I know about postmodernism I learned from the Phillies" (excerpt) -
Just imagine it: … Paula Deen standing in front of a big Sunday spread of buttermilk fried chicken, barbecue brisket, collard greens, corn bread, fried okra, pigs’ feet, and sweet potato pie. Let her stand there and explain where all that good food came from and how her mama’s housekeeper used to make the best green bean casserole and see if she... -
Crebrius lege et disce quam plurima. Tenenti codicem somnus obrepat et cadentem faciem pagina sancta suscipiat. -
Listening for God: Contemporary Literature and the Life of Faith -
Practicing yoga brings evil as does reading Harry Potter. They may both seem innocuous but they both deal with magic and that leads to evil… People think [Harry Potter] is an innocuous book for children but it’s about magic and that leads to evil. In Harry Potter the Devil is at work in a cunning and crafty way, he is using his extraordinary... -
When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times -
Start Where You Are: A Guide to Compassionate Living -
I see it all raving before me the endless yakking kitchen mouthings of life, the long dark grave of tomby talks under midnight kitchen bulbs. -
Re: Morality Without Religion | Frans de Waal | Big Think -
"The big problem with all these sorts of discussions is that there's a basic failure to define terms. What is meant here by "religion"? Is religion defined primarily in terms of a Tylorian "belief in Spiritual Beings," or maybe ritual practices, or communal identity and solidarity, or even prescribed, authoritative codes of conduct? The notion that religion is a human universal is usually made meaningless by the fact that "religion" is understood so vaguely and intuitively as to render the claim empty. If we're talking about belief in spiritual forces, does that mean that someone who doesn't subscribe to any traditional religious tradition but who takes horoscopes seriously, or who thinks crystals have healing powers, is "actually" religious without realizing it? If we're talking about the existence of enduring institutions, traditions, symbols, codes of conduct, and authoritative identities, is the military a religious institution? Why don't we consider the Pledge of Allegiance to the..." - Nathan Rein
Hopelessness means that we no longer have the spirit for holding our trip together. We may still want to hold our trip together. We long to have some reliable, comfortable ground under our feet, but we’ve tried a thousand ways to hide and a thousand ways to tie up all the loose ends, and the ground just keeps moving under us. Trying to get lasting... -
Survivors [of domestic and sexual violence] don’t tend to go to faith communities for help… Clergy have not been their allies. There’s not a history of support. Where else do they go? -
My hut lies in the middle of a dense forest; Every year the green ivy grows longer. No news of the affairs of men, Only the occasional song of a woodcutter. The sun shines and I mend my robe; When the moon comes out I read Buddhist poems. I have nothing to report, my friends. If you want to find the meaning, stop chasing after so many things. -
(via First Official Poster For ‘The Trials of Muhammad Ali’ Is A Tidal Wave Of Red | Shadow and Act) -