Naor Mark

Product Marketing Guy @ TEOCO; "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”
Not all rockets are bad things “@NASA: And we have launch of #Orb2 to the #ISS”
4:0 ?
RT @casheeew: Hello, would you like to hear a TCP joke?
RT @FridaGhitis: What would happen if a Hamas rocket hit al-Aqsa? They are shooting rockets at Jerusalem.
Can't understand Hamas strategy or maybe leadership totally lost control
לאט לאט יובן קצב קבלת ההחלטות.
לאט לאט יתברר קצב קבלת ההחלטות.
RT @disgraceofgod: #Saudi prince imagines "pleasure" of inviting Israelis to #Riyadh, laments "tragedy" of #Israel's "isolation"
RT @BBCtrending: #GazaUnderAttack used 375,000 times in seven days - but how accurate are the pictures?
RT @DannyNis: #Hamas is hoping that the world will rush to negotiate with it, and re-emerge as the main Palestinian power-holders after a year of decline.
RT @dgwbirch: Wow! TAP in Nigeria now has almost HALF A MILLION contactless card users
איזון קוסמי מושלם בין ציוצים מטופשים מימין ומשמאל
The world wide web may be fracturing into a bunch of regional internets
Sorry goog, I'll stick with apple
Wow what an end , and I was hoping for game 6
RT @wilw: I'm exhausted, and I'm just WATCHING this game.
RT @Real_ESPNLeBrun: Kreider, resuming his role from Game 2, misses golden chance to end it on the breakaway
RT @dannysullivan: @joelmchale now you've freaked out the poor guy in my feed
One hockey OT is packed with more action than a full soccer game ( at least )
Overtime is not Rangers' friend #beacuseitsthecup
RT @ESPN_NHL: These playoffs certainly haven't been easy on planning for editors. #nervouswreck #lastminuteflights #BecauseItsTheCup
RT @AIRCOM_CTO: #tmflive catalyst presentation Yuval Stein on closed loop performance #NFV #SON by @TEOCO_Corp
RT @tmforumorg: Are you not on location, but still want to catch the keynotes? They're streaming live #tmflive
I really like Quip - Collaborative Word Processing App Quip Goes 2.0 With Publishing, Search And More
So.. is it LA vs NY next week ? -Rangers Locker Room Celebration #becauseitisthecup
SON, NFV and wider virtualization concepts
RT @AIRCOM_CTO: Great #NFV backgrounder from @JuniperNetworks in webinar by @techvert watch before #tmflive CU in Nice!
RT @Get2Detroit: IBM opens it's 1st ever #startup accelerator in Israel - meet the AlphaZone
The Secret Messages Inside Chinese URLs via @tnr