Mike Bracco

Product at JibJab in Venice, CA. Technology. Startups. UX. Design. Minimalist. NH Native. Boston Sports.
"The Best #Commencement Speeches, Ever" - great curated list by NPR of over 300 speeches since 1774. http://apps.npr.org/commenc...
I like @buffer's new Daily app for iOS. It provides content suggestions. It will be interesting to see where it goes. https://itunes.apple.com/us...
TweetDeck for web is how I use Twitter on my Mac. "Better TweetDeck" Chrome extension has great minimal UI tweaks. http://erambert.me/en...
Now everyone in CA tweets about the #amberalert
Task Manager Thursday :) - @omnifocus released V2 for Mac (http://www.omnigroup.com/blog...) & @AnyDO released web app (http://www.theverge.com/2014...).
Re: Introducing Feeds: Share Links From Your Favorite Sites Right Inside Buffer! - https://blog.bufferapp.com/introdu...
"@Kevan Thanks for checking. I don't have Awesome so I couldn't check. I might go ahead and join anyway and flip my Pocket's RSS feed public. It would be cool if it did support password-protected feeds so I could keep my Pocket private. Perhaps a feature idea to pass onto the product team - although I'm sure it's not a main use case. Thanks! :)" - Mike Bracco
Re: Introducing Feeds: Share Links From Your Favorite Sites Right Inside Buffer! - http://blog.bufferapp.com/introdu...
"Buffer Team - Does the Feeds feature support private password protected RSS feeds? I'm not an Awesome customer but am tempted with this feature. My main use case would be to add my Pocket RSS feed. However, I don't want to have to make my Pocket RSS feed public - I'd prefer to keep it password protected. I couldn't find this answer anywhere." - Mike Bracco
Loving the new UI improvements to Google Hangouts in the browser. Hoping similar refinements come gmail and calendar soon.
Here we go!! #NFLDraft time. Blast it --> https://t.co/HOLMCJOoal
The cost of shipping all those meetings instead of shipping code :) --> http://tobytripp.github.io/meeting...
Placekittens - http://placekitten.com - like @placeholdit for creating placeholder images but with kittens. h/t @producthunt cc @glenniest
To LinkedIn or not to LinkedIn? HN community had very heated debate on this today caused by @darrennix blog post - https://t.co/ig7DTzB5Ce
Zuckerberg's keynote from this morning at #f8 http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Excited to watch the @startupweekend LA demos about to begin! #lasw https://twitter.com/bracco...
I was excited for a split second when I got the @mailbox Mac beta email but soon sad as it's not yet ready. #want https://twitter.com/bracco...
I'm "kind of" kidding but Google should hire 100 black belts/ex-marines to walk around SF late at night wearing @googleglass #googleglass
Tinder. $5 Billion Valuation. Thats is all. #wow http://www.bloomberg.com/news... #tinder #latech
I've been searching for this! A matrix of all the web services you need to change passwords now due to #Heartbleed http://mashable.com/2014...
Unless there is a game winning shot it feels the winning team never knows where to go when they storm the court. #UConn #NCAAChampionship
And @Uber's start to dominating all key areas of the On-Demand Economy beyond automotive travel begins... http://venturebeat.com/2014...
If you're a #BreakingBad fan then @richeisen's 2 hour interview of show's creator Vince Gilligan is must listen! http://richeisen.nfl.com/2013...
"This Is a Generic Brand Video" - everything cliché that you'll see in a big brand commercial. Really well done! http://www.youtube.com/watch...
RT @earthquakesLA: A 4.4 magnitude earthquake occurred 0.62mi W of Brea, California. Details: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthqu... Map: https://maps.google.com/maps...
RT @msuster: Know what to do during or after a big earthquake? Here's a good primer http://www.consrv.ca.gov/index...
Now that I'm in my 30's marriages are happening left & right. #Facebook needs a 'Display Maiden Name' setting to avoid all the confusion. :)
RT @earthquakesLA: A 5.4 magnitude earthquake occurred 1.24mi E of La Habra, California. Details: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthqu... Map: https://maps.google.com/maps...
Wow 5.4. That's definitely scary. - Rodfather
RT @earthquakesLA: 1.8 magnitude earthquake occurred 6.84mi NE of San Antonio Heights, California. Details: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthqu... Map: https://maps.google.com/maps...
Really impressed by @UpToApp - the calendar directory is a cool innovation. It's going to give @sunrise a run for it's money as my default.
I've had #gmail rage since this AM as "Reply from same address sent to" is broken - However, they're aware & fixing https://t.co/QfwAaGVBhR
Rumored last week but now confirmed: Disney to buy Maker Studios for $500 million. Big win for #siliconbeach http://www.reuters.com/article...
Is anyone working on integrating @spritzinc with @feedly? I'd pay $10/month or more if someone offered service. Really want! #rss