Michael Lehman

Managing Director at DreamTimeStudioZ (consulting services), Expert Witness, iOS/WP7 app developer
Windows Phone 8 Audio Recording using Windows.Phone.Media.Capture - http://independentinnovation.net/blogs...
Adventures in writing - my iOS Course - http://independentinnovation.net/blogs...
Living With Lumia: Back to the iPhone But With a New Perspective http://mashable.com/2012...
This looks like a fascinating read: sparks & honey 2013 trends snapshot http://www.slideshare.net/sparksa...
Want to learn about version control? Check out my course on http://www.lynda.com/ErrorPa... http://www.lynda.com/Version...
Working on my course for beginning iOS devs. If you have any areas you'd like me to cover, comment on this blog post. http://independentinnovation.net/blogs...
Just found the Microsoft list of #windowsphone 8 #wp8 new SDK features: http://msdn.microsoft.com/Areas...
Windows Phone 8 is going to be fun! - http://independentinnovation.net/blogs...
Windows Phone 8 development is going to be fun! http://independentinnovation.net/blogs... Great overview and sample code from Nokia.
Cranking it on the new iOS course - http://independentinnovation.net/blogs...
Our latest http://www.lynda.com/ErrorPa... course, Fundamentals of Software Version Control just shipped. Check it out at http://www.lynda.com/ALMTFS-...
Finally inside :). Red Lumia 920 FTW (soon)
Line here grew to ~30 people #windowsphone
AT&T mini fail... Still waiting outside in the cold while warm store beckons on the other side of the glass
And the line is moving #windowsphone
Nice! 10 people in line at AT&T store in the U district waiting to buy a #windowsphone
Bug Squashed–ios6 UIAlertView and modal views - http://independentinnovation.net/blogs...
Debugging Win8 Store Apps using Remote Desktop - http://independentinnovation.net/blogs...
Love it that I can read XKCD on my #Surface and Touch Kb and see the 'tool tip' :)
Hanging out on the couch with my #Surface and touchKB Liking it :)
Windows 8: It's only one part of Microsoft's brave new world http://www.zdnet.com/windows...
RT @dbam987: ok, dev'ing #win8 contracts (search, share, etc.) is downright impressive and highly usable. #buildwin
Congrats to the SpaceX team. Well done! Space Exploration Technologies Corporation - Press http://www.spacex.com/press...
Nice rollout for WinPhone 8... can't wait to get my hands on the SDK tomorrow!! #build
Very handy tip for #Surface owners: How to Organize Apps and Create Groups on the Windows 8 Start Screen http://tweaks.com/windows...
Doh! Just realized though my Touch Keyboard for #Surface won't arrive until tomorrow, I can plug in a USB keyboard!!
Putting the finishing touches on our Win8 app, working on a new online course, some consulting... a perfect Sunday!