MB Linder

Entrepreneur, Investor, New Media Producer & former Fortune 500 executive.Speaker at 140 Character Conference, SXSW, New Media Expo, Podcast Expo and more...
Build the Church 429 - Slaves Wage http://buildthechurch.blogspot.com/2011...
Adventures of Man in the Can - Chapter 6 - The Man in the Can Fights Littering http://storiesmykidslove.blogspot.com/2011...
Pappacito's on Father's Day! Score!! (@ Pappacitos) https://foursquare.com/mbl...
RT @RodrigoRfs_: seguindo e indicando @ArturVirgilioAM @mbl @SrDiario @AmigoAtrevido @ivanbarrajau !!!!vlws por me seguir !!!!! =D BRIGADAO
Build the Church 429 - Slaves Wage http://buildthechurch.blogspot.com/2011...
Check out "Build the Church 429 - Slaves Wage" on Mevio.com at http://www.mevio.com/episode...
Build the Church 429 - Slaves Wage - http://buildthechurch.blogspot.com/2011...
Click here to find Slaves Wage's album. Go to Slaves Wage's website by clicking here. Find Slaves Wage in myspace by going here. - http://buildthechurch.blogspot.com/2011...
listening to "Larry Norman - Righteous Rocker (Hard Rock Version)" - http://blip.fm/profile...
Larry Norman classic.... - MB Linder
Larry Norman classic.... ♫ http://blip.fm/profile...
looking at this page makes me hungry, mmmm bacon... http://steve.posterous.com/bbq-chi...
Check out "Dreamers in Jail" on Mevio.com at http://www.mevio.com/episode...
Dreamers in Jail: Ever get into trouble only to find that no matter what, as long as you… http://biblestoriesmykidslove....
RT @NazerineP: The sole purpose of a child's middle name, is so he can tell when he's really in trouble.
RT @updood_com: @mbl is in Top 1000 Dallas (position: 6) at www.updood.com
Check out "Adventures of Man in the Can -Chapter 6- The Man in the Can Fights Littering;" on Mevio.com at http://www.mevio.com/episode...
Adventures of Man in the Can - Chapter 6 - The Man in the Can Fights Littering http://storiesmykidslove.blogspot.com/2011...
Adventures of Man in the Can - Chapter 6 - The Man in the Can Fights Littering - http://storiesmykidslove.blogspot.com/2011...
Get video showing best of YouTube... http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Looks like the Dallas Mavericks will be the World Champs. Congrats!!!!!
RT @Chatanplay: After all is said and done, more is said than done
No matter how hard it gets, sometimes we are inspired to press onward... http://www.youtube.com/watch...
RT @LizFrerich: Happiness resides not in possessions, and not in gold, happiness dwells in the soul. Democritus
RT @mbl Adv of Man in the Can - Ch 5 - Man in the Can Goes to Work | Bedtime Stories My Kids Love http://bedtimestoriesmykidslove.com/2011...
Trying get the computer to work in the kids room.. (@ Relevant Life Church) https://foursquare.com/mbl...
Not sure if this lady is a little crazy...bonds with white shark http://www.youtube.com/watch...
RT @CheapRats: People can live one hundred years without really living a minute.
time to rest, night all
RT @Mjt_25: I wanna run, hide myself in the sun & feel all these fears melt away. & I will never look back. I'm gonna live this life,chasin the daylight
RT @mbl Adv of Man in the Can - Ch 5 - Man in the Can Goes to Work | Bedtime Stories My Kids Love http://bedtimestoriesmykidslove.com/2011...
picked up a free mail.com account and by the time I logged in for the first time I had 3 spam hits already...what the...? #delete