Hoping my Lucky Bamboo doesn't turn yellow and die at work
10pm - out to MEX for Music Trivia Night. Distillery is now using WorkAlertz! www.WorkAlertz.com
Not feeling soo hot today. Couching it with some good Discovery/History channel specials for the afternoon. Clam Bake Later at Deb's..
Know a business owner with parttime employees who hates doing their schedule? www.WorkAlertz.com - Have them SignUp for 30day FreeTrial
Work for a few hours - probably will leave early today after meetings. -- then headed ADK for the weekend (4th Lake). Have a good 4th!
' yes..ill be there. Let me know he you go last min and i can swing by the airport to grab ya
TextSmart...Getting shit done before the weekend
Getting ready to SoftLauch TextSmart. ETA: 14 days
@tferriss Just about done with 4-Hour Workweek (good stuff!) - Vancouver rules. Be sure to make it to Sombrio Beach on Vanc. Island
Watching Eco-Tech on Discovery channel
Almost done with "The 4-Hour Workweek" by Tim Ferriss ... "Its all about Automation!
Ready to sell WorkAlertz
Working on my Alaska Site http://ourdrivetoalaska.com
Taught myself how to use Ajax this week
Headed to The Little to see "The Fall" http://www.thefallthemovie.com/
Taking the night off
I'm playing with TokSee
met Arunas Chesonsis, CEO of Paetec tonight!
walking over to starry nights cafe - then possibly a stroll to The Little Theatre for a flick
MyMinderz Meeting - application development meeting