OH from a young girl at #shesgeeky: "I'm geeky because I love futurama and I want to be a cyclops"
At #shesgeeky SF where right now, 85 women are answering the question: I'm geeky because...
Super excited! I just got an *orange* @NextSpace t-shirt from @iriskavanagh at #shesgeeky! W00T! (orange is my fav color!) Tx Iris!
Super excited! I just got an *orange* @NextSpace t-shirt from @iriskavanaugh at #shesgeeky! W00T! (orange is my fav color!) Tx Iris!
trying out @Diaspora for the first time.. *very excited* .. thanks sarah #shesgeeky
I just registered for @shesgeeky here: http://shesgeeky.org/ for this weekend's conf in SF.. can't wait!
Dad on the new MAC: it almost made him cry when we did a video chat, where I taught him how to use his email and some new features. so cute!
My dad got a MAC three wks ago. Mom decided to stay with WiN. So they had to get an email divorce. My mom kept the old email address. Funny.
RT @mjspieglan: RT @MaryHodder: RT @aurosan Guess what tweet @SarahPalinUSA just deleted? Here's your answer: http://i.imgur.com/mGMts.png
doc's terrific post @dsearls: News at the speed of death http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/doc... Following the @rep_giffords shooting live.
.. @dgillmor is so right here about slowing down in a crisis: http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/the_dai... (specific to the AZ shooting)
ZOMG. Fox news reported the AZ shooter was black or Hispanic when in fact he's white with anti-Hispanic ravings on his website. geez.
Sorry.. here is the updated link to Andrew Sullivan's live blog of the AZ shooting: http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/the_dai...
here is Andrew Sullivan's live blog of the tea party Palin supporter who just shot a congress woman in AZ: http://gov20.govfresh.com/2011-tr... awful.
thank goodness Palin et al took this down: http://i.imgur.com/rik6d.jpg but frankly what did they think they were doing, putting gun sites on a map?
I don't want entrepreuners, companies determining my security and privacy levels online because it will be to their benefit, not mine #nstic
Problem with Kaplan, Blippy stmt is that women, others don't agree and do care about other levels of security, privacy #nstic
Phillip Kaplan, Blippy, I get benefits for tweeting i'm in Hawaii.. and i'm not worried about someone breaking into my house #nstic
Phil Bond, President CEO, TechAmerica: we need to keep balance between innovation and security and trust.. it's "threading needle" #nstic
Dave DeWalt, McAfee: we need a way to police buying of domain names.. to know that the purchaser is a "good" entity #nstic
Dave DeWalt, McAfee: we need a way to police buying of domain names.. to know that the purchaser is a "good" entity
I'm concerned that "identity ecosystem" creation discussed at #nstic will have a "tragedy of the commons" problem where users are left out
Phil Bond, President CEO, TechAmerica: listen to industry, coordinating counsel model with govt, learn & do Fed. R&D, and help #nstic
Jim Dempsy, CDT: I'm convinced that reducing the # of identities users maintain online will improve overall security for us #nstic
Philip Kaplan, Founder, Blippy: we need easy way to get tech creators an easy identity sys for users, FB Connect doesn't seem right #nstic
Jim Dempsey of CDT: we can't let the threats drive policy.. we need broader perspective and thought.. there is role of govt #nstic
I'm so happy Jim Dempsy of CDT is here on this panel.. he's really smart and cares about users #nstic
Jim Dempsey of CDT: customers need assurances and industry needs way to make it work.. we need a balance #nstic
Jim Dempsey of CDT: the govt cannot create identity ecosystem because it's not trusted, and this is about trust.. #nstic