Mark Davidson

I like gadgets and electronic things. Internet sales & marketing professional, public speaker and microblogger.
This setting could use a little more Maccabee in my opinion.
I just found the 99th out of 100 hidden packages!
Wait a minute... This isn't Grand Theft Auto III. This is real life! FOOLED AGAIN!!
This is the perfect woman... If I can find her, I swear I will marry her! #iphone #batgirl
And the game that is fun at first, gets old and boring pretty quickly. Hence, why people continue to buy new games or change existing ones.
At the moment, I am a little peeved at a "social media expert" who is 99% automated and doesn't respond to responses to her DM spam.
On the topic of web journalism and slide shows containing interstitials: Yes, you can drag me in but only just long enough to resent you.
RT @LedaLasVegas: @markdavidson Please R/T? #AvasCorner launch Sunday in memory of my friend Ava Galore. #SuicidePrevention
“ A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd. ”—James Crook
The web has replaced newspapers and annoying slide shows have replaced journalism.
Nothing quite like complete strangers threatening to deface my front doorstep with their own feces...
RT @MikoWitYaMoney: @ChuckyLarms24 I'm gonna take a shit on @MarkDavidson's front step.
When I get bored with Twitter... It can be a bit dangerous.
I swear to G-d. I will never complain about Los Angeles ever again.
I am listening to a presentation on sock animals. #truestory
I've decided to change my career path. I've decided that my entire purpose in life is to be famous for being famous. And to have a big ass.
Holy Crap is right! $12.49 for a bowl's worth of cereal! (It must use actual dragons in their blend!)
Short version of article: We copied Minecraft. What we discovered is that people really like Minecraft.
The 4 Secrets Behind Zynga’s Narcotically Addictive Games via @FastCompany
The quote directly before this tweet is from Thomas Moradpour @TomMoradpour
RT @Brainology: Carol Dweck on what distinguishes great athletes from others:
I haz teh ed you kay shunal experience. The Brain and Learning. The Surprising Science of Success! With @YukariP
Experiencing a blackout... Power is out in the neighborhood. Which would be fine except for the lack of Internet part.
Foxconn begins replacing workers with robots. Skynet sends cyborg back in time.
Twitter, the social sharing platform sees its future as old fashion advertising driven media company
23 Ancient Web Sites That Are Still Alive [Memepool... YAY \0/]
Ubisoft released a free mod for Minecraft that recreates the warped Rook Island and characters of Far Cry 3!
And for the last few years, millennials inevitably come up. "Want do millennials want?" "How do we market to millennials?" Seriously...
And if you are a marketer and you don't recognize and understand that there is an Internet culture, then you're probably in trouble.
Every time I think Internet humor or Internet culture has been lost... I go to Reddit and realize, no. It's just Twitter.
That moment on Twitter when you realize that @nathanfillion is in RL, exactly how you hoped he would be when you watch his work.