Mark Davidson

I like gadgets and electronic things. Internet sales & marketing professional, public speaker and microblogger.
The truth about retweets is, being famous helps. Being consistently humorous helps. Being timely helps. Writing good stuff definitely helps.
I swear I read a blog article about how to get retweeted and it correlated the word "the" as being a word often used in retweets.
It's not a specific combination of words or asking for a retweet. It's strong copy. Personally relevant. High emotional arousal.
The trick to retweets is to write good copy that elicits an emotional response. Personally relevant wit and humor seems to work the best.
I want to comment on something for those who follow and care about such things... Retweets. More specifically, tweets that get retweeted.
That moment when you realize you've confused Frances Hodgson Burnett's The Secret Garden with Nancy Friday's My Secret Garden.
Score! The @Alienware TactX keyboard is only $68 with free shipping using coupon code: 8LG7XLCVX7VL21. Saves $12 and shipping.
Nothing quite like going back and answering tweets from December.
RT @NoKaOiHB: Happy Tuesday, Friends! Who wants 15% off their bill today? Just come in & let us know you're a #HBLocal & you'll get it all day long!
I think within the last 2 weeks I've covered most of the geek pop-culture basics... Dune, Firefly, Dr. Who, etc. Have I missed anything?
Lecture: I'm doing it right.
On the other hand... Slender Man.
Note to Self: Spontaneous fever-induced creepy pasta presented on Twitter without context is confusing to your followers.
The iPad lowers to my chest. The 2 minute countdown begins. Soon there will be no light at all. Soon darkness will claim this entire room.
It is waiting... My hands are tired and the iPad is heavy. And I'm falling backwards into a fog of brainwaves and bed sheets.
I can't move. Helpless, I lay here. The imposter sleeping next to me. Stirring only slightly at the tap, tap, tap on my iPad screen.
I'm tired. My thoughts clouded by the anti-congestion chemical tea and syrupy gel tabs. Too scared to close the Smart Cover on my iPad.
And she never sleeps with her eyes open.
She looks like my wife. But I know that what's laying next to me, it isn't my wife. A perfect duplication but I know my own wife.
I'm in bed. Other than my iPad, it's still pitch black. The body next to me, feigning sleep, is heavily inhaling and exhaling air.
I'm looking for a suitable image to create a Bradley Cooper's Mom Is Not Impressed meme. #oscars
Covered. Feeling flu-ish. Wind whistling across the window frames. I feel something stirring at the foot of my bed.
Now a squad car's coming over there right now. You've got LTE. Just get out of that house! #reddit #r/nosleep
Listen to me. We've traced the IP Address. The Facebook messages. They're coming from inside the house.
Pro-Tip: If you are flu-ish and under the influence of cold medicine, reading r/nosleep is not going to be conducive to getting good rest.
Is Pheed the New Twitter? - Forbes
Oh, please. That's so Thursday, September 22, 2011. I invented that ****.
Get ready to be uncomfortable in 2013. We've got some exploring, testing, and learning to do. Time to stretch those muscles.
Shift, pivot, and change. Just when we seem to have consolidated on Twitter, Google+, Facebook and YouTube... It's all new again.