
笑点特低 雷点特高
ok, now comes the result. i'd say i was wrong. TTfeed is as good as FF, at least for delicous links' publishing.
the butterfly theme is beautiful
listen to what u say, do what i do.
I bought a little pretty brown anti-UV umbrella Saturday. like it:)
这个雷猴不知道是不是从兔斯基作者的自画生活漫 画那得的灵感,就是她学粤语把香港同事Julia雷倒那篇
if only i have such money
adsense is really clever - now it's put ad like 'immigrate to the us paying only 500 g' on my gmail
exactly what we're experiencing - for the country
4 stages of cancer patients: anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance
what's '/ncr'?
can not open
现在想来,最最不能封的其实就是我的gmail. gmail如果封了,那才真是一团黑了
其实乐观更需要勇气 - 也许只是对我这悲观成性的人来说
don't be so subtle, say something, speak up!
i like to read conversations on web. here in gmail 'chats' is chaotic
he said 'reset', what does it mean? i'm trying to think other than about me but really not succesful
without tor i didn't know the block had already been running for a long time, partly, quietly. example: blogger's 'import/export' function didn't work. I used to think it's blogger's fault.
[?] - maona
why, off-line every afternoon? what does it mean?
Brad Pitt 和 Jolie分居了,命 运 啊 。。。
it's not address sensitvie while using email to sent updates, but it is id sensitive when u use gtalk
so, it doesn't matter from which address this update is