Ryan - @magicofpi

Hmm, interested in graphic/web design, cool internet apps, video production, to say a few. Also on Twitter as @magicofpi.
So you want to be an activist... | The Berkeley Beacon - http://www.berkeleybeacon.com/opinion...
"Activism for any cause cannot just be a fad, an equal sign profile picture, a bracelet you wear." http://t.co/y738GHR34Q - Ryan - @magicofpi
The revolution is never televised | The Berkeley Beacon - http://www.berkeleybeacon.com/opinion...
"It is only in the arts that honest dialogues about difficult topics can exist." http://t.co/xdEXmz4B2w - Ryan - @magicofpi
The Man Who Loved Cemeteries - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2013...
The Man Who Loved Cemeteries http://t.co/v8VTH1c20E via @instapaper - Ryan - @magicofpi
"Ever thought, There should be a German word for that?" http://t.co/353YPABAVH - http://www.amazon.com/Schotte...
"Ever thought, There should be a German word for that?" http://t.co/353YPABAVH - Ryan - @magicofpi
Why Do We Eat Popcorn at the Movies? | Food & Think - http://blogs.smithsonianmag.com/food...
Why Do We Eat Popcorn at the Movies? http://t.co/0BoskU3kXv via @instapaper - Ryan - @magicofpi
Elvis Impersonator Paul Kevin Curtis and the Ricin Assassination Plot - http://www.gq.com/news-po...
The Elvis Impersonator, the Karate Instructor, a Fridge Full of Severed Heads, and the Plot 2 Kill the President http://t.co/dVRBmBtUB1 - Ryan - @magicofpi
40-Year-Old Man Has 21 Miley Cyrus Tattoos | TIME.com - http://newsfeed.time.com/2013...
"His newest [Miley] tattoo…looks more like Marilyn Manson eating a Swedish Fish, but points for effort." http://t.co/jz6ehMqrxn - Ryan - @magicofpi
BuzzFeed's Brazen, Nutty, Growth Plan - WSJ.com - http://online.wsj.com/article...
19 Ways To Say "Listicle" In Foreign Languages http://t.co/Yptcc4PHf5 - Ryan - @magicofpi
Wooing ‘Hometown Industry,’ de Blasio Meets Wary Wall St. - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2013...&
Hillary Rodman, secret N.Korea envoy RT @michaelhayes: New favorite @nytimes correction: http://t.co/nrz3gidVNl http://t.co/aCkHhUSTKy - Ryan - @magicofpi
30 Epic Places You Absolutely Must Visit Before You're 30 - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013...
RT @mcmoynihan: Depressing HuffPo correction of the day http://t.co/3icqH63iC6 http://t.co/aGdwdsdzcA - Ryan - @magicofpi
Twitter / magicofpi: @nathansmith It shows up (at ... - https://twitter.com/magicof...
@nathansmith It shows up (at least for me) on result pages too. http://t.co/vjoWmA14wi - Ryan - @magicofpi
Twitter / magicofpi: From the International Herald ... - https://twitter.com/magicof...
From the International Herald Tribune archives. Sounds accurate. http://t.co/icyc4blDGP - Ryan - @magicofpi
Twitter / TrelawnySara: I'm starting a list in my phone ... - https://twitter.com/Trelawn...
The Moth’s Lea Thau on storytelling – Nieman Storyboard - A project of the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard - http://www.niemanstoryboard.org/2009...
"I am not performing something to you, for you, or at you, I’m sharing something with you…that is true for me.” http://t.co/O0ZTug2uhQ - Ryan - @magicofpi
RT @BuzzFeedAndrew: To think default is no big deal is one thing but to actually FAVOR damaging the economy..oh my http://t.co/Qjh5sAQZhR h… - http://thehill.com/homenew...
RT @BuzzFeedAndrew: To think default is no big deal is one thing but to actually FAVOR damaging the economy..oh my http://t.co/Qjh5sAQZhR h… - Ryan - @magicofpi
Adding cream to your coffee actually makes it cool down slower: http://t.co/MaP62ZmrAg - http://modernistcuisine.com/2012...
Adding cream to your coffee actually makes it cool down slower: http://t.co/MaP62ZmrAg - Ryan - @magicofpi
You’ll Never Guess How Biologists Lure Jaguars To Camera Traps | The Thoughtful Animal, Scientific American Blog Network - http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/thought...
It's not just cougars who are attracted to Calvin Klein cologne. http://t.co/A3yErT3iS3 - Ryan - @magicofpi
Three Cheers to Nobel Peace Prize for not Pandering to Celebrity Culture | technosociology - http://technosociology.org/...
"Most Malalas, however, go nameless, and are not made into Western celebrities." http://t.co/WJNnQUcnRj - Ryan - @magicofpi
Twitter / wexler: Happy Friday http://t.co/Fc54CqP7nF - https://twitter.com/wexler...
RT @stratosathens: #welldone @washingtonpost! Check out this twitter exchange RT @MikeElk: WOW https://t.co/k39203cQVv - Ryan - @magicofpi
Beat-up cellphones with cracked screens are point of pride for some young people - Washington Post - http://articles.washingtonpost.com/2013-05...
@KellyKasulis The Washington Post agrees. http://t.co/VBTHd0KSlO - Ryan - @magicofpi
Really good article: The Nobel committee did Malala a favor in passing her over for the peace prize http://t.co/PbFUU2x9Kw - http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs...
Really good article: The Nobel committee did Malala a favor in passing her over for the peace prize http://t.co/PbFUU2x9Kw - Ryan - @magicofpi
How Tinder Solved Online Dating for Women - The Cut - http://nymag.com/thecut...
@TrelawnySara Did you read this? http://t.co/ZlKJDHq5L4 - Ryan - @magicofpi
Among the dishes at the McDonald's tasting menu: kung pao chicken McNuggets, Mac Fry gnocchi, and a Big Mac-aron http://t.co/s6SuCUYGd3 - http://www.thrillist.com/eat...
Among the dishes at the McDonald's tasting menu: kung pao chicken McNuggets, Mac Fry gnocchi, and a Big Mac-aron http://t.co/s6SuCUYGd3 - Ryan - @magicofpi
Twitter / magicofpi: Setting up for the first ... - https://twitter.com/magicof...
Setting up for the first @junctionshow—@EmersonCollege's monthly showcase for creativity. Tonight at 7 at the Bordy! http://t.co/I3NNZMSkDF - Ryan - @magicofpi
Students file federal complaint, say college mishandled sexual assault cases | The Berkeley Beacon - http://www.berkeleybeacon.com/news...
Our comprehensive look at @EmersonCollege’s alleged mishandling of sexual assault cases: http://t.co/Q2Tt7a1Hzz - Ryan - @magicofpi
College refocuses branding | The Berkeley Beacon - http://www.berkeleybeacon.com/news...
RT @atiedemann: College refocuses branding | The Berkeley Beacon http://t.co/exnHXBLB6p via @beaconupdate - Ryan - @magicofpi
Twitter / magicofpi: @jacktemp: "My favorite place ... - https://twitter.com/magicof...
@jacktemp: "My favorite place to be, right here." http://t.co/dP5YtuuGmA - Ryan - @magicofpi
I actually feel kind of bad for the jellyfish. http://t.co/VEWuY0dGqB - http://www.fastcoexist.com/3019164...
I actually feel kind of bad for the jellyfish. http://t.co/VEWuY0dGqB - Ryan - @magicofpi
Instagramming your food can actually make it taste worse: http://t.co/910GIvKTmd - http://www.fastcompany.com/3019382...
Instagramming your food can actually make it taste worse: http://t.co/910GIvKTmd - Ryan - @magicofpi
Things Are Getting Ugly : The Protojournalist : NPR - http://www.npr.org/blogs...
"Our contemporary notion of what is beautiful is a 'ludicrous conspiracy.'" http://t.co/6tcIwQwXHc - Ryan - @magicofpi
Hashtags Are Punctuation Now — We Live in the Future — Medium - https://medium.com/we-live...
"I’d argue that…hashtags are absolutely essential to accurately relate the way we use language today." https://t.co/b4gMCDiunU - Ryan - @magicofpi
Relaxation Drinks: The Opposite of Energy Drinks - WSJ.com - http://online.wsj.com/article...
"Drinking a sleep beverage 'has to be better than Ambien.'" http://t.co/nma2FTlyaU - Ryan - @magicofpi