
Love FF.
A Happy Boy - Lizunlong -
Created by Do you know what does it mean? - Lizunlong
How do you achieve laser focus and concentration? -
"The single most important thing I do to "achieve laser focus and concentration" is to work in such a way that I don't need "laser focus and concentration" to get my work done. This has to be done the night before. I always quit all online work at least 2 hours before bedtime and print whatever I'm working on. Then I go into any other room with program listings, blank paper, and pens (especially red!) and plan out all of tomorrow's work. All analysis, design, and refactoring must be done at this time. I do not allow myself to sleep until the next day's work is laid out. I also do not allow myself to get back onto the computer. The idea is to have a clear "vision" of what I am going to accomplish the next day. The clearer the better. This does 2 things. First, I think about it all night (maybe even dream about it). Second, I can't wait to get started the next day." - Lizunlong
[百家讲坛]易经的奥秘(一)何为易经(2009.10.07) 百家讲坛 -
这个系列我会看下去~ - Lizunlong
animoto - The Video Contest: Winners! -
Simple Software - ZenEdit -
ZenEdit is a minimalistic text editor designed to prevent distractions and focus at the work at hand. - Lizunlong
敢问你用的什么的SSH呀 - day7th
@xiawinter 谢谢提醒,我确实被封过一次了,但是是因为滥用——大量发放,目前自用是没有问题的,我已经用了快两年了。 - Lizunlong
Wave 的邀请模式让我想起了 Gmail,但 Wave 实在太复杂了,当他们真正收到邀请信并试用一段时间后,会失落起来的。
原因如下:1. Wave太吃机器了,一般机器玩不转,即使用的是Chrome。我现在只在台式机上玩Wave。 - Lizunlong
求邀请码 - 麦克.疯
北京时间2009年10月1日10时34分,收到 Google Wave 的邀请信
羡慕,, - Cheney
你能邀请别人了吗? - ThenWang
Wave 邀请,你为什么还不来?
Wave invites starting ... will take many many many many hours to get them all out! We are so very grateful for all the interest!! - - WOW,开始了! - Lizunlong
Apress - Coders at Work (2009) (Elements ATTiCA) - Powered by Google Docs -
测试 GDocs Viewer~ - Lizunlong
I voted for T04 T02 and T10 - Lizunlong
AutoProxy2PAC - 全平台智能代理 -
它将会变得很强大~ thank you iamamac. - Lizunlong
很赞 - yezi
Can't wait! Can't wait! 9/30 Wave me!
AIR BDRip 1080p AVC FLAC 终于等来了!正在看[AIR][Vol.1]中~
Who is the css to my html? and are both Google Chrome Frame enabled.
美剧全面进入720p时代!GG BB FG GOGOGO!
The Big Bang Theory S03E01 The Electric Can Opener Fluctuation
S03E01 Title: "The Electric Can Opener Fluctuation" Air date: 09/21/2009 - Lizunlong
@Wao just update the repack version. - Lizunlong
Fringe S02E01 A New Day in the Old Town
S02E01 Title: "A New Day in the Old Town" Air date: 09/17/2009 - Lizunlong
Gossip Girl S03E01 Reversals of Fortune
S03E01 Title: "Reversals of Fortune" Air date: 09/14/2009 - Lizunlong
推销的真敬业,下载地址和字幕都有…… - R093r-
不知不觉中,我的 Dropbox 容量已冲破10GB
厉害啊 - yezi
记得以前是推荐一个人注册加250M吧,好久没用Dropbox了 - ThenWang
Teacher's Day is Facebook day.
为了玩一个破解汉化的十八禁游戏——As you like,把自己的ipod touch给折腾成砖了~ 该
"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." – Albert Einstein
the Key Areas of Life - Financial, Job/career, Physical health, Relationships, Personal development, Community.
Y Combinator Funding Application (Dropbox in Summer 2007) -
maybe I should write a similar one for my purpose. - Lizunlong
去看看豆丸怎么玩的..:) - K.D.
流汁时代 再下去 就是 打点滴时代 - 骨古头坏死
Skype independent!
Play seriously.
豆丸是什么 - WOOOH -
I love this idea, but it is eating my time now. - Lizunlong