Test Pilot is privacy sensitive user research program run by Mozilla Labs. As a Test Pilot, you'll be joining a global community helping us to improve Mozilla products, both existing ones like Firefox and those that are still in development. Our goal is to provide the wider community with access to data that is traditionally unavailable outside of large companies, and to grow knowledge on how people use the Web in the interest of empowering developers to build better products and services, and all in a way that protects the privacy and security of participants. What do I need to do after I become a Test Pilot? Once or twice a month you will receive a new test case - either a study, a survey, or both - through Test Pilot. Each one of these test cases explores one interesting topic or tests one new prototype idea for Firefox or another Mozilla product. Studies automatically log data while you use Firefox. At the end of the study, you will be prompted to submit your log data and/or...
- LANjackal
Adblock Plus allows you to regain control of the internet and view the web the way you want to. The add-on is supported by over forty filter subscriptions in dozens of languages which automatically configure it for purposes ranging from removing online advertising to blocking all known malware domains. Adblock Plus also allows you to customize your filters with the assistance of a variety of useful features, including a context option for images, a block tab for Flash and Java objects, and a list of blockable items to remove scripts and stylesheets. Starting with Adblock Plus 2.0 there is an option in Filter Preferences to allow some non-intrusive advertising. The goal is to support websites using non-intrusive ways to advertise and to encourage more websites to do the same. Read more
- LANjackal
"by creating a sensible legal system that matches our modern world, we also give ourselves the best chance at security by allowing ourselves to use our enforcement resources in a smart and targeted way.
Let’s solve this problem. Congress needs to create a line for those already here and for those individuals we need to support our communities and industries today and in the future."
- LANjackal
"Washington can start to fix our immigration system by returning power to employers through expanded guest-worker programs–letting the free market do the job federal bureaucracies are failing to."
- LANjackal
"The Associated Press reported on Monday that two Republican leaders in the House of Representatives are hoping to introduce a series of immigration reform bills to the House floor by late October. The bills, which have already passed their committees, seek to ramp up border enforcement, expand visas for high-skilled workers and boost internal enforcement of immigration laws. But while Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) - the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee - and Rep. Mike McCaul (R-Texas), who heads the House Homeland Security Committee, say they want to deal with those conservative-oriented bills before the end of the month"
- LANjackal
"When two Republicans, Sam Johnson and John Carter, deserted a bipartisan immigration reform group this month, the death knell did not sound for immigration reform. One group may have collapsed, but 84 House Republicans have publicly voiced support for granting some type of legal status to the 11 million immigrants here in the country illegally, and 20 others have said they would be willing to consider it—many more than what most media reports suggest."
- LANjackal
"Contrary to public perception, the number of children in immigrant families is not the primary reason more children are living in poverty, a Rutgers study has found, raising the question of whether federal policies affecting immigrants should be significantly altered."
- LANjackal