"Hmm, interesting given that we at archimedes labs own the domain now.tv and have an active incubation for a live internet news channel."
- Keith Teare
"I have to say I agree Fred - the part of the speech highlighted here (post-social and enterprise) are the least interesting and the least insightful.
However the earlier stuff - the post-pc view that places Facebook and Google as losers and Apple as the winner (so far) is really interesting to me. It begs a lot of questions about the role of Apps and the changing role of the cloud. By positing Android as a client to Google's cloud, and arguing that Apple's ecosystem is more aligned with powerful edge devices and a different cloud vision (storage, message delivery, glue between users and apps) I think he is on to something."
- Keith Teare
"If only Crunchbase really had 4-5 full time employees ..... it is run on a shoestring. There are literally thousands of daily edits to approve......A few interns, and 1 partly allocated engineer.
How do I know? My wife is its product manager.
Crunchbase was Mike's original idea. He and Gené will love hearing how much it is valued."
- Keith Teare
"I call it "insider writing" versus "outsider writing". Its inevitable, its good, and the audience can be relied upon to form their own judgements. We are not children. Agree with your depiction. Now would be the time to back Mike and call out Arianna for trying to put the lines back...."
- Keith Teare
"Well, they all sit on a Google Profile, and Contacts list. So I agree re user engagement, but architecturally (which is what I am really talking about) a centralized profile requiring login is common to all. This is not the right identity or contact list architecture. A distributed identity architecture leveraging devices people have in their pocket, is more likely to be trusted and functionally be way better than a centralized one (whether Facebook or Google).
i think this exchange might be suffering from being typed instead of spoken. I sense I'm not being as clear as you need me to me. Sorry...."
- Keith Teare
"Understood. that's why I thought you wouldn't agree. The same cloud services that keep you on Android are the ones that keep Scoble's Mom off it. Think about the steps to share an image on G+.
1. Join Google and get a G+ account
2. Upload or create a contacts list on Google
3. Organize circles
4. Buy an Android phone
5. Provision it with the same Google account so you can access your contacts
6. Install a G+ client
7. Take a photo and share it woith a circle using G+
This is way too much effort. Compare it to iPhone where you take a picture and share it via email with one of more people from your address book."
- Keith Teare
"Fred, it is their vulnerability. I know we'll disagree on what I wrote today on TechCrunch, but it is pertinent to the future of mobile and mobile is a big part of the future of identity. http://techcrunch.com/2011/08/..."
- Keith Teare