Mark Krynsky

Manage websites for X PRIZE Foundation. Drupal & Wordpress Fanboy. Info sponge on all aspects of Lifestreaming. Father, Techie & Poet to help round things out.
RT @xprize: Seth Green and Peter Diamandis in conversation at Hammer Museum! Join #XPRIZELOOP to find out about events like this!
That was the most miserable award win ever. #Messi
Congrats to #GER on the win. #ARG with head held high though. They showed that they deserved to be in this final #WorldCup
RT @kumailn: The easiest job in the world is "Soccer Scoreboard Operator."
#ARG is playing great. They were under estimated coming in & they've already proved why they should be here #WorldCup #GERvsARG
It's just a matter of time for #ARG love how they're playing. It's good to be the underdog #WorldCup
That shank was painful. Golden opportunity missed by #ARG
RT @benparr: #ARG may be the underdog, but it isn't gonna roll over for anybody. Not even for the mighty Germans. #GERvsARG
Perhaps a chance Ted Nugent sighting? (at @Bass_Pro_Shops)
Bummed to miss #YxYY this year but enjoying watching all the folks & festivities. Wishing all a great event. Godspeed...
Looking good (@ Downtown Las Vegas)
So good. (@ Peppermill Restaurant)
I wonder if the #BRA fans will follow: Neymar Is Pulling for #ARG, Lionel Messi to Win the World Cup #WorldCup
Yes!!! #ARG to the finals. Hey America's, we still have a horse in this race #WorldCup
Bummer. I'm not a fan of deciding it with PK's. Oh well. Let's go #ARG! #VamosArgentina #WorldCup
Ouch. I feel for #BRA & that means a lot coming from an #ARG-entine: Brazil press decry World Cup rout
Pretty amazing #lifelogging timelapse video worth watching: 6 1/2 Years Of Selfies Show Her Life With Mental Illness
Perhaps if #GER meets #ARG in the #WorldCup final we will see something very rare. #BRA cheering for their biggest rival at home.
RT @andrewkarcher: By the transitive property, USMNT > Brazil.
RT @SBNation: RT @SBNationSoccer: Germany only managed one goal against the USA. Just saying. #USMNT
Slovakian trolley-line pallet skateboarding is the best new sport
Watched the first episode of The Leftovers & I have no idea what's going on. Related, I don't think future episodes are going to help.
Amazing, threading a needle #ARG #Messi #WorldCup RT @giggs_boson: Ball of the year
Love this place. (@ True Food Kitchen)
We have one in Phoenix. Great restaurant. - Just another Bubba
Now it's up to #ARG to avenge #MEX & #CRC after doing it today for #USA to help lift the America's #WorldCup #VamosArgentina
A rematch of the 1978 #WorldCup final between #ARG & #NED is next... Better have a plan for #Messi
Damn good saves. No denying that for #NED
Starting to think this could go to penalties and Navas pulls out a #CRC miracle #WorldCup
RT @soccergods: It’s time for greatness. #NEDvCRC