Word: "@toomuchnick: Follow Friday because @FriendFromHS is worth it. This is the next @ShitMyDadSays."
RT @FriendFromHS: wtf is this shit?! sum dork at bestbuy installd sumtin called "foxfire" on my dell... is it a virus!?!?!?!
Twitter: The laziest, overvalued company that we still love. API returns "unauthorized" errors for rate limit exceeded. Known bug>10mnths
... Long distance information, give me Memphis Tennessee ...
RT @katydormer: You know it's a bad sign when you are socially awkward in your dreams.
It often takes far less than that: "@msuster: What to do when VCs start calling you after they saw you on TechCrunch? http://www.bothsidesofthetable.com/2010..."
RT @jpalfrey: is accountability a better word than privacy for much of what we really care about? @dourish #hyperpublic
RT @rxw: OH Pirates want booty, zombies want brains. Pirate zombies want the perfect woman.
I just became the Mayor of Yo Mamma @foursquare
Some days I fear India is a fascist state waiting-to-happen since many citizens condone the silent abuse of "law" to preserve "order".
RT @anildash: @jkottke @mathowie I dunno, I think the whole comparison is bogus. "YouTube has more views than PBS Frontline! ZOMG!"
RT @neilpatel: The tooth fairy teaches children that they can sell body parts for money
Lets say you ask an interesting question, and i want to find the replies you received for that, no can do on twitter.
Is tempted to write a twitter client that shows conversations with branches that go back AND forth from a tweet.
"@Scobleizer: USERS ARE NOT IDIOTS!" amazing how often people need to be reminded of that.
RT @SocialMedia411: Social Media Is Not a Contingency Plan For Having a Shitty Product (Mack Collier): http://mackcollier.com/social-...
Is the doodle team the only people at google keepin it real?
RT @cvilly: All these #WWDC sessions and not one of them explains why that green dot never resizes the window like I expect.
RT @megpickard: OH: "Ask not what the internet is going to do for magazines; ask what magazines are going to do for the Internet" #magnet11
RT @Barzhini: Gamification is “the high fructose corn syrup of engagement.” — Kathy Sierra #moneyshot
RT @stephendeberry: Where are all the women angel investors? Our entire industry would be better w/more diverse thought. http://www.businessinsider.com/where-a...
What I *really* want to see is the Google doodle for Ru Paul.
"@asymco: Apple bought $17.5B worth of semiconductors in 2010" ... and $1.5B worth of apps (via @KatiyarAbhishek)
RT @cwood: Companies switching from Lotus Notes to Google Apps remind me of African countries going from no phones to cell phones, skipping land lines.
RT @sween: On the prowl for some sexy ladies ooOOoo "Hot Yoga" that sounds super sex- OH GOD THIS ISN'T SEXY AT ALL OH GOD OH GOD IT SMELLS LIKE A BARN
Does anyone know where I can get a replacement adapter/charger for my Acer eee PC? /@jackerhack
my non-tech Indian friends don't see the need for a smartphone (no killer app). They do love touch screens, sharp displays, cameras & status
This is the iPhone ad in India. Watch it and then tell me that it isn't more condescending than a fairness cream ad: http://www.youtube.com/user...
RT @mikap: Forget Laundering Unauthorized Music Via Music Match, What About AirDrop Darknets? http://www.techdirt.com/article...
RT @krishashok: @madmanweb Judging contemporary music by what plays on Bangalore radio is like judging all SE Asian food by Gobi Manchurian
If you don't have an iPhone, you probably don't buy products from brands talking to you in a pretentious, condescending tone. #fb