RT @ExJon: Gay marriage passed by NY's Republican-controlled state Senate. Well, that doesn't quite fit the narrative does it, MSM?
Empire State Building goes rainbow colors: http://yfrog.com/ked8jqrj. Nice!
RT @gkjohn: RT @trielly: NY Gay Marriage passes; in after hours trading, Crate & Barrel stock up 19% #NY4M #fb
RT @gauravsabnis: There are atheists, and then there are atheists obsessed with religion the way little kids with magnifying glasses are obsessed with ants.
RT @mathewi: a fair point -- RT @soapko: Hm. Omitting mobile from web usage doesn't bolster argument of shrinking web. Shrinking desktop, maybe.
This is EXACTLY how I feel about wine & food: http://xkcd.com/915/ #fb
RT @cancelBubble: Yahoo! Mail will now scan and analyze (for targeted advertising) not just your emails, but your sender's emails http://conversation.which.co.uk/technol...
RT @eViral: Almost all tier-2/3 B-Schools make the same promises and under deliver. IIPM has the guts to buy ad space to showcase those promises.
The phrase "icing on the cake" is most appropriately illustrated by having @sofiavergara on a show as good as Modern Family
Disney collaborated with Salvadore Dali to create this surrealist short: http://www.youtube.com/watch... #art #surreal
Helping with an international startup/vc event. DM me interesting startups in India? @gkjohn @atulchitnis @labnol @raj_s @arjunram @2shar
Helping with an international startup/vc event. DM me interesting startups in India? @1ndus @anusharma @oligoglot @freemanindia @jackerhack
RT @sumank: "Be Prepared For DIsasters WIth Royal Sundaram Home Insurance" says Royal Sundaram's mailer subject line. What a disastrous copy editor!
RT @vencat: Why am I not surprised? Seized Bin Laden phone had "Angry Beards" app installed.
#android #performance Images inserted with :after content css don't seem to cost much RAM :)
My guess? If Apple comes out with iPhone-lite we'll see a massive, massive, price war in Android handsets.
#android #performance CSS floats seem to consume more RAM. Avoid.
innerHTML insertions cost 2x the RAM as DOM node insertions in #android #webview
Origin of street names in Cambridge, MA: http://ilovecharts.tumblr.com/post... #fb
Want your web page to not crash, run faster on, mobile browsers? Reduce # of DOM nodes. Simply flattening can save >2MB of runtime memory.
Everyday victories => RT @che2on: Got seat in bus! Hurray!
RT @diveintomark: RT @peterkz_swe: @itpastorn I want to buy HTML5 and install it on our site. Is it in the App store?
This #android bug sticks devs with Morton's Fork. Either don't offer widget or don't make app runnable from sd-card. http://code.google.com/p...
Hindi doesnt distinguish between persons and things in the third person?
Google now translates Hindi to Tamil. An improvement over most ad/TV show translators, I must say. http://translate.google.com/... #fb
RT @cdixon: don't forget PowerPoint! RT @brianalvey: The most popular software for writing fiction isn't Word. It's Excel.
RT @jtaschek: The good, the bad, the ugly of Android development (versus iOS) - http://mikamobile.blogspot.com/2011... via @fortune / @scobleizer
RT @cancelBubble: On the web, art direction has been shown the door. The content succumbs to the tyranny of the CMS and its allies http://blog.readability.com/2011...
Not long before @salesforce buys the .force TLD. #cringing #fb
I'ma start a dating site for people with low standards. I'll call it: INTERNET! #fb
RT @sepiamutiny: Desi post 9/11 hate crime victim in Dallas fights to save life of his attacker http://www.npr.org/2011... Shot in the face, still injured, forgives