RT @gkjohn: Twitter and Apple are perfect partners. They both seem intent on cannibalizing their developer ecosystem.
#iOS5 love the twitter integration, but no facebook? hmmm
So far, terribly unimpressed by WWDC announcements. Mail catches up to GMail and iOS notifications catch up to android.
Wow, Mac Mail finally catches up to GMail.
Lion marks the death of the "intuitable" Mac OS. Need to remember gestures to get anything done. #fb
RT @t: best thing I read this weekend: Top Five Deathbed Regrets http://ohdarling.posterous.com/nurse-r... via @kcpike @founderb. longlink: http://tantek.com/2011...
RT @kshitiz: It's possible to achieve almost anything as long as you are not worried about who gets the credit. via @performingflea
"Asinine joke about how this IPO isn’t the kind of discount you’d find on the Groupon site itself. Shoot yourself."- http://ftalphaville.ft.com/blog...
RT @ppk: I worked on the WebKit compatibility table for mobile, adding 5 browsers. http://quirksmode.org/webkit_... iOS 4.2 is the best one.
I love being able to drag files from mac title bars to upload them, attach them etc. Never have to know where a doc is.
My toenail clippings have started a Groupon clone. Again.
RT @fbindie: Biggest Earning Android Apps: Analysis says to Price High or Free; Improve Core Func... http://packtexplorer.posterous.com/biggest... Please RT! (via @PacktExplorer)
Two Hydrogen atoms are returning from a bar. "I think I left my electron at the bar" "Are your sure?" "I'm positive" #physicsjokes /@mdeii
Really useful set of hand/finger templates for touchscreen mockups: http://graffletopia.com/stencil... #fb
Back to our regularly unscheduled programming
Looks like I hit a nerve with my last tweet - @kingsley2 is trending in Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad & Pune.
Forget Baba Ramdev & Anna Hazare, I think Manmohan Singh should enter politics.
http://fuglyandroid.tumblr.com/ you will derive perverse pleasure from this, @atulchitnis :) #android
will be in mumbai 15th to 19th. meetup? cc: @gauravonomics
Charagh Din: because even retards need shirts.
RT @mixdev: If you are saying only a perfect guy can fight for your rights, you are an idiot. None, including you can do anything then. #ramdev
"@andrewchen: Short logic (Groupon IPO: Pass on this deal) http://t.co/NaQfj9S"<== great read!
RT @rameshsrivats: Basically our government prefers order to law.
RT @MaximusToxicus: Great time was had @madmanweb 's party with the super troop of @Kingsley2 @maitily @media_reveries :) thx guys, love ya.
RT @RavikiranRao: Today there was panic in the US office because a South Indian wrote would instead of will. I give up.
Is Groupon the first company to attempt "creative accounting" *before* going public? $2B runrate my behind #fb
RT @mattsly: comparing GRPN to early AMZN is dumb. AMZN invested in ops & infrastructure. GRPN is "investing" in (bad) jokes & banner ads.
Checking out veekes & thomas.
jeez, this #wiki page is full of BS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki... . Every indo-aryan root is traced to sanskrit by a fanboy.
MSFT catches shit for being rabidly backwards-compatible, but do you know that AAPL supported "Classic" apps till Snow Leopard (1yr ago)?
ORLY? "The method getChildVisibleRect(View, Rect, Point) in the type ViewGroup is not applicable for the arguments (View, Rect, Point)"
enjoying this delicious panna cota + mango gelée that Divi made. Damn girl, you good! http://www.vitamincute.com/yougrt-... #fb