Ken Kennedy

DBA, developer, technology activist. Overly-idealistic geek. Home base:
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Harry Potter, #6) -
The Apocalypse Codex (Laundry Files, #4) -
The Mongoliad: Book One (Foreworld, #1) -
Re: DNA Lounge: 13-Jun-2012 (Wed) Wherein the Apocalypse has been averted! -
"Holy Hell...this is like the rules for Calvinball. But I'm glad you are kicking ass and taking names. I need to make a trip to SF just to see the new construction." - Ken Kennedy
Re: A way to do web-based discussions that hang off a stream of consciousness. -
"Ah, gotcha, Dave. Trying this out makes it much clearer where you're going with this. Interesting...I'll definitely keep an eye on it." - Ken Kennedy
Re: Using zombies to teach kids geography -
"This is completely awesome. Ooops...make that Awesome, with a capital 'A'." - Ken Kennedy
Bright of the Sky (Entire and the Rose, #1) -
Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality -
Catching Fire (Hunger Games, #2) -
The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1) -
"Hmm...I hear what you're saying (I came here from G+ rather than Facebook, but that's just substituting one Goliath for another). That being said, I think there's a goodness to you posting here vs. in whatever walled garden (a goodness I haven't done a good job of emulating myself recently...I need to get on it!). You "own" this...if myspace/friendster/facebook/tumbler/friendfeed disappears, your postings there go with it. I think there's something important there. That being said, Anil hits on it when he points out we shouldn't war amongst ourselves re: Wordpress v. Movable Type v. Drupal v. etc...just be happen you're out of the walled garden!! Encourage the wild growth...we need it." - Ken Kennedy
Re: The Personal Cloud: The Future’s Here, But Unevenly Distributed -
"Looking forward to the new column, Jon. Welcome back to the "punditocracy"...*wink*. I was actually just getting ready to email you...have you seen/been following Some interesting tools in this same sort of "personal cloud" space, specializing in getting data out of non-machine readable formats (poor web layouts, PDFs, etc.), into databases, and providing visualization capabilities. Looked like something you'd be interested in." - Ken Kennedy
Cory Doctorow: The coming war on general computation -
Re: Introducing The Great Wiki Challenge -
"Hm, cloned into Cloud9, I'm (kkennedy) getting a big ol' error when I run npm install in the console, starting with Error: No compatible version found: trycatch@'>=0.1.0- <0.2.0-' I'll admit, I've only used Cloud9 a bit so far, so I could me making a silly mistake...any ideas?" - Ken Kennedy
Re: On The Problem of Money, Politics, and SOPA -
"Great choice on" - Ken Kennedy
reddit is offline in protest of PROTECT IP and SOPA -
"submitted by reddit to blog." - Ken Kennedy
A Dance with Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire, #5) -
Re: OLPC Tablet launching this year -
"Actually, there does appear to be a hand crank being demoed at CE as a peripheral for the XO-3:" - Ken Kennedy
And...sure enough, Fossil SCM is fine. I just wasn't using it right. -
Re: In Defense of E-ink and Plain Old Words -
"Huh-freakin-zah, my friend. I couldn't agree more. Well said. I like tablets...I got a Kindle Fire for Christmas, and I think it's great. Even for reading (surprisingly). But where do I *lose* myself in a novel. On my e-ink (2nd gen) Kindle. And I *like* losing myself in novels..." - Ken Kennedy
Happy friggin' New Year...time for a new coding project, methinks! -
Re: Somehow, I Don’t Think Best Buy is Devoted to Our Product -
"I'm pretty sure you hit the nail on the head, Paul. Best Buy would be happiest if we stayed out in the car, and tossed our wallet into the store for them to rifle through." - Ken Kennedy
Arduino Controlled Dishwasher -
"Unsubscribed....NOT! *grin*" - Ken Kennedy
Re: Ron Paul’s Incredibly Effective (and Highly Misleading) Ad -
"Well, Ron Paul has a well-established history of not actually watching/reading work done in his name, so perhaps he'll end up disavowing this too..." - Ken Kennedy
My Nexus S upgrade to Ice Cream Sandwich -
Eddie Money – Wanna Go Back -
H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society – The Shoggoth Song -