@MelanieGBrowne The conference turned out great & NYC was smoulderingly beautiful as usual. Some company would have been great :) Next time!
Elmo, a character embodying the love and support Kevin Clash got from his parents. Fitting...for father's day. http://getglue.com/movies... @GetGlue
The latest in 1-hr delivery in Toronto. I love you Canada. http://yfrog.com/obirvrhvj
Speed for breakfast this morning. (at Manulife Centre) [pic] — https://path.com/p/3aN4XP
@MelanieGBrowne Doing my best to resist a response to "Early instrument made of bone". #sophisticatedHumor
Grails 1.3.5 log4j DSL | Talking about my stuff - http://6by9.wordpress.com/2010...
rollingFile name:'logile1', maxFileSize:'50MB', maxBackupIndex:100,file:"./logs/${appName}_app1.log",{         layout:pattern(           conversionPattern: '%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} | %p | %c | %t | %m | %x%n'         ) - The Fat Oracle
@TheRestlessQuil Nah, don't typically use web. On my Linux dev machine for a change and have it clean - no twitter client.
RT @TheRestlessQuil: RT @GautamGhosh http://www.unroll.me - uses your email address to pull all things you've subscribed to, and you can unsubscribe in 1 place
All set for some exciting buggy goodness. iOS6 beta 1, come here you. #fb #in
If I think, I can hardly breathe. So I code…and create. #fb
Airport...another one. Even the flower seems in transit. http://instagr.am/p...
Not just a gimmick. These were very well captured by @imagethink. #MMAF2012 @ Roosevelt Hotel http://instagr.am/p...
I truly do understand now why the Europeans had to subjugate the Indian sub-cont to get at those spices. Day 4 of conference food in NYC
Thought neurons light up before word neurons & the brain's four Fs.. #MMAF2012 (@ Roosevelt Hotel w/ 21 others) https://foursquare.com/fatorac...
I'm at Magnolia Bakery (New York, NY) w/ 3 others https://foursquare.com/fatorac...
Our virtues and our failings are inseparable, and like force and matter.. When they s @ Nikola Tesla Corner http://instagr.am/p...
Lazy muggy sunday afternoon in NYC. @ Bryant Park - The Southwest Porch http://instagr.am/p...
Dramatic feedback requested @ Kati Roll Company http://instagr.am/p...
Time to hunt down a katti rolls food truck. (@ Roosevelt Hotel w/ 2 others) https://foursquare.com/fatorac...
Sat morning flights are awesome. Breezed through immigration and security. No line ups. Though now I have 2 hours at the airport. #fb #in
@warrenshea Ditto. Just woke up but all set for the night now :)
I love you, braised ribs in black bean sauce. You have my heart... My art @ Crown Princess Fine Dining 伯爵名宴 http://instagr.am/p...
RIM just sent me an email titled "Are you ready for the changing mobile landscape?" #in #fb. Sad smile.
Anybody from Toronto attending the #mmanyc next week? I'll be there on the hunt for competent mobile strategists/agencies.
RT @priyank_rastogi: Distributed Systems Tracing with Zipkin http://engineering.twitter.com/2012... via @twittereng
@JohnCrespi very kind john. I'll also keep you in mind when I'm looking for. Stalker-for-hire ;-)
Anybody know a good windows sys admin in Toronto? For a friend's startup.. #in
Just posted a photo @ Kenzo http://instagr.am/p...
:( Ray Bradbury, Master of Science Fiction, Dies at 91 http://www.nytimes.com/2012...
@TheRestlessQuil If the backrub machine probl. is solved, then why would you need men? Male scientists & engineers are taught this in yr 1.