Jason Williams

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RT @thisisdscott: It's as if they want somebody to do something.
RT @thisisdscott: Police truck pulls up, cops jump off and point guns at crowd unprovoked.
RT @minossec: They about to kill folks over a thrown glass bottle that hit no one.
RT @nigelduara: This has been a night of near-clashes that wind up and then wind down. Now people are putting orange cones in center of road
RT @ryanjreilly: This could be an issue. Some protestors are falling into media zone. https://twitter.com/ryanjre...
RT @blackink12: Cops just got some more people. #Ferguson
RT @ReignOfApril: Cop arrests you. You don't resist. You get roughed up. Sustain some injuries. You want to sue. You can't. Why? You can't ID him. #Ferguson
Johnny Football needs to give #Ferguson police the middle finger. https://twitter.com/jmwilli...
RT @alicesperi: Police telling media to "separate from protesters." Protester: "let me pull out my phone, now I'm media." This guy gets it. #Ferguson
RT @Yamiche: Amnesty International representative tells me she is concerned that she doesn't know when police will throw tear gas
RT @kansasalps: ICYMI: @washingtonpost is now equipping its reporters in Ferguson with gas masks, and photogs with bulletproof vests http://www.washingtonpost.com/lifesty...
RT @MichaelSkolnik: CNN: more officers than protesters. #Ferguson
RT @alicesperi: Having issues with the live feed but we're here, Police getting out of vans guns drawn
RT @FrankConniff: Fox News worried about Lynch Mob mentality in #Ferguson. I'm a bit more worried about Shoot & Kill Unarmed Teen mentality.
RT @ksdknews: Police have just another arrest protestor in #Ferguson.
RT @michaelcalhoun: Bottle sails through the air, police start marching forward, then suddenly stop. #Ferguson https://twitter.com/michael...
RT @alicesperi: "Please put the street sign back on the ground where you found it" #Ferguson
RT @MaddowBlog: Rachel #Maddow gearing up to continue MSNBC's live coverage from #Ferguson at midnight.
RT @ELobo: If the officers can't handle nonviolent protestors and media correctly , I doubt Mike Brown had a chance. #ferguson #JusticeForMikeBrown
RT @D_Towski: Protesters have retaken qt, swat loudspeaker threatening arrest for those not walking north. #Ferguson
RT @michaelcalhoun: "Those of you in the street..you are unlawfully assembling. You will be subject to arrest." #Ferguson https://twitter.com/michael...
RT @vicenews: "The movement is starting right here in St. Louis": Watch our live stream from #Ferguson https://news.vice.com/article... https://twitter.com/vicenew...
RT @trymainelee: Seems a group of black leaders, activist may have stopped a riot...
RT @WSJ: More than 4,400 tweets per minute were sent mentioning #Ferguson on Wednesday. http://blogs.wsj.com/dispatc... https://twitter.com/WSJ...
RT @michaelcalhoun: Capt. Johnson pushes the police back, goes to meet a protest leader. Trying to diffuse. #Ferguson https://twitter.com/michael...
RT @VICE: It’s Not Just Ferguson: Hundreds of People in LA Gathered to Protest Police Violence http://www.vice.com/read... https://twitter.com/VICE...
RT @Yamiche: Police: "If you remove property or signs from the ground, you may be subject to arrest." (Some laughed bc woman still has Do Not Enter sign)
RT @alicesperi: Police giving warnings on W Florissant #Ferguson
RT @joshuatopolsky: Who are these people protecting and serving again? RT @ryanjreilly: The front line tonight in #Ferguson https://twitter.com/ryanjre...