
Jason McDonald - software engineering, form meeting function, philosophy, language, art, computers, music, science, learning, et al. Atlanta, GA.
RT @Floppy: If I had to sum up agile thinking, I’d define it as the full internalisation and acceptance of the phrase “I have no idea what I’m doing”.
RT @codinghorror: I just added $150 to my donation to mayday.us. Please join @lessig, there is nobody I trust more in politics https://t.co/KoJOR7CfDn
RT @iamdevloper: 10 lines of code = 10 issues. 500 lines of code = "looks fine." Code reviews.
RT @WoodstockPD: LOCATED: The missing child has been located.
RT @ValaAfshar: 429 of the original Fortune 500 companies (1955) are no longer is business today. Adapt or die. #CMO
RT @WoodstockPD: MISSING: Kyle Pryce, 10, light colored clothing & shorts missing from The Woodlands sub. https://twitter.com/Woodsto...
RT @shanselman: NuGet Package of the Week: @ASPNET Web API Caching with CacheCow and CacheOutput http://www.hanselman.com/blog...
Anti-vaxx, GMO, Monsanto, celeb couples, reality tv... not quite the same as integration, suffrage, industrialization, or telecommunications
America has an amazing ability to quickly produce massive followings for ideas. One day we might find good ideas again.
Lync Web App is nice, like the child of Hangouts and WebEx. Be great when bugs and perf are improved
OH: "Do we need to show a proper error message when the error happens?" -- I think you answered your own question
Dear @Cigital: Having a hard time taking your courses as authoritative when the site still has pop-up windows... #ux
RT @RoyOsherove: For the next 5 days, my TDD master class course is $25 instead of $99 with coupon code Five25 http://courses.osherove.com/course...
RT @TCagley: Estimates, by definition, are wrong. The question is just how wrong.#Estimate #System #FP http://tcagley.wordpress.com/2014...
I love Jira, but usually it's just a tool you use so you don't have to talk to each other. #agile #community
RT @AsaTait: Fun fact: When my kid watches "Terminator" I will have to explain the concept of a phonebook, but not an autonomous robot killing machine.
RT @hypepotamus: Join @codeforatlanta for the first monthly hack event. Tuesday http://www.hypepotamus.com/code-at...
RT @TCagley: Parkinson’s Law and The Myth of 100% Utilization http://tcagley.wordpress.com/2014...
RT @jldavid: Google's New Web Starter Kit Is A Boilerplate For Multi-Screen Web Development: http://techcrunch.com/2014... (via @techcrunch)
RT @tferriss: Should you meditate? Can drugs accelerate progress? Listen to neuroscience PhD @samharrisorg riff on this and more: http://fourhourworkweek.com/2014...
RT @switchyards: Our new home. The Switchyards Building. Downtown Atlanta. It's going to be special. Become a Founding… http://t.co/jNbtK8Gw1w
RT @CoderFaire: http://t.co/WsmvOD9Sf1 A new name, and a new focus!
RT @codinghorror: There is nobody I trust more than @lessig to take on money corruption in congress. https://t.co/updn9GQnXp
learn you some terms! http://t.co/wPt9X3pa57
.@avast_antivirus you're supposed to protect me against accidentalware, not install it #fail #spam http://t.co/GZgI77ATxv
RT @jcp823: FAIL: First Attempt In Learning #FailureLeadsToSuccess http://t.co/Ky5E58pMB3 #success .@hypepotamus .@UnstoppableFam http://t.co/ujxx3cwBv3
RT @JeremyGrosser: Tetris is a game about technical debt
RT @arialdomartini: It looks easy: should be done in half an hour I reckon. #legacycode http://t.co/DJomsmnii2
RT @willia4: I would really like the CSS print stuff to be better supported. I’d like to do all my desktop publishing in html.
RT @secretGeek: "Reading a book" is a classic important but non urgent task. When your lifestyle lacks any book time, you know you're in the wrong quadrant.
RT @LordManley: A German couple seriously tried to sell their baby on eBay? That's messed up. A baby is something you made, that sort of thing goes on Etsy.