Hmm. @sparrow is crashing left and right. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.
I see @sethladd on "What is Dart?" - a free eBook for you.
There's 2 apps with icons that look exactly the same on my Menu Bar that confuse me constantly. :(
My feed is about to get spammed by @twitter acquired @posterous news.
My feed is about to get spammed by @twiter acquires @posterous news.
SSDs are really really awesome. Everyone should have one.
Doing some @fog work for @geemus then working on some @AlohaRubyConf afterwards.
Wow. It's already March. Time is flying by.
It's the last day of February. Awaiting to hear news from @fluentconf registration.
Don't make things harder than they need to be. I know you mean well, but it's not a good UX at all.
Trying to get CA Pet Lover's License Plates but it won't validate my billing info. :( The design is by Pierce Brosnan!
awaiting @geekdesk to ship. How am I waiting? Very very anxiously. But it's all so delayed due to low stock. :(
RT @chrismessina: Great day to pick up @alfredapp at 10% off for its 2nd birthday! Love this app! #macosx #apps #deal
Inbox 0 is complete failure. Inbox +++ success?
RT @peepcode: New PeepCode video! Play by Play with Rails and Ruby committer @tenderlove!
RT @gparker: A programming language is a user interface for developers. Language authors should learn from HCI principles.
The new @NewRelic HTML emails are really pretty.
RT @Jury: Mountain Lion discussion for developers here: #DevForums
RT @Angry_Drunk: Congrats to Apple for spectacularly demonstrating that the rumor mongers have no fucking clue.
RT @BigZaphod: I love that Apple managed to catch everyone completely off guard with the Mountain Lion announcement! It's more fun when there's no rumors.
RT @igrigorik: chrome is using a lot of open-source tools under the hood! just discovered: chrome://credits/ - neat.
RT @ayumin: ruby1.9.3-p105 release!
RT @github: Kids are the future. Teach 'em how to code.
RT @plataformatec: Easily manage your projects' hooks on @github with our new github-hooker
I just gave @travisci some love because, well, I <3 @travisci and you should too!
RT @Digeratii: Before and after the iPhone:
RT @crazybob: Introducing SocketRocket, an Obj-C WebSocket client from @Square: Great job, @MikeLewis!
RT @igrigorik: ngmoco open-sourced their "Falcore" HTTP server: - written in Golang, looks pretty nice!
RT @igrigorik: the official Google Ruby libraries are now also mirrored on Github @ - woot!
RT @wayneeseguin: Tell Congress: Don’t censor the web!