Just got G Buzz on my G Mail ---- looks good --- but its not FriendFeed. And I dont yet see myself using it unless this is where the FF community will go next --
RT @KaiserKuo: Looks like the ax has fallen: Google.cn now blocked for me (China Telecom in Beijing)
URGENT -- Golfer Tiger Woods has been seriously injured after a car crash near his Isleworth, Florida home, officials say. http://twitter.com/Breakin...
It seems to be true -- sad it is --- - TechFuga
Latest reports from ---Tiger Woods is fine ---:) - TechFuga
When did Robert Scoble stop importing his tweets over to Frienfdfeed? I just noticed it now ---:(
Yesterday. - Robert Scoble
Her: nope. But I'm not bringing in anything from that other service. - Robert Scoble
Since then http://www.youtube.com/watch... until now keep it going.
My Condolences to Dave Winer for the passing of his father http://www.scripting.com/stories.... Love will never die---- Joao
Search for "google friends:joaoazevedo" on FriendFeed: http://friendfeed.com/search...
Bing Keeps Pecking Away At Search Share And Making Gains - http://www.techcrunch.com/2009...
Fwd: The real-time baby (what this means for media absorption) - http://www.facebook.com/note... (via http://friendfeed.com/scoblei...)
Checking in --to twitter --from FF....--but--off
Facebook Introduces a New Share Dialog http://news.softpedia.com/news...
Facebook Tweaks Design, Drops Rounded Corners - http://bit.ly/Y3Jgp#mb
I'm using Fwix for real time local news - http://fwix.com
To all those of you who would like to help me out  in the quest to improve and develop further techfuga.com we asking all of you who would like to share your OPML files from Google Reader or any other reader. It would allow us to filter and add other good blogs to our crawler. You send it to us at [email protected] your help is much appreciated....
RT @tweetmeme louisgray.com: As Retweeting Rises, Linking Continues to Decline - louisgray.com http://www.louisgray.com/live...
Techfuga.com will be offline for some months...Sorry for the inconvenience, we plan to rebuild the whole platform for a new site. Joao
Techfuga.com will be offline for some months...Sorry for the inconvenience, we plan to rebuild the whole platform for a new site. Joao
Will miss it! - Krishnamoorthy
It's showing the oldsite... - Krishnamoorthy
SF man pleads guilty in Pa. to credit card scam - http://www.techfuga.com/3006200...
Maine: A MacBook for each student in grades 7-12 - http://www.techfuga.com/3006200...
Here Comes the Video Shakeout: Joost Scales Down, CEO Mike Volpi Steps Out - http://www.techfuga.com/3006200...
Supercharge Your Job Search With oDesk and Facebook - http://www.techfuga.com/3006200...
iPhone 3G vs 3GS Speed Test Shows No Real Difference - http://www.techfuga.com/3006200...
100 Best Blogs for Journalism Students - Learn-gasm - http://www.techfuga.com/3006200...
Just a Stylish 'Wall Socket' USB Hub - http://www.techfuga.com/3006200...
China Delays Software Censor Rule - http://www.techfuga.com/3006200...
Sharespost lets you buy the un-buyable - http://www.techfuga.com/3006200...
Ricoh jumps from copiers to the cloud - http://www.techfuga.com/3006200...
Micron's smaller NAND chips mean more, faster flash memory in the same old enclosures - http://www.techfuga.com/3006200...
With 3.5 launch, Firefox faces new challengers - http://www.techfuga.com/3006200...