RT @PatriotsOfMars: Surprisingly iPad's drop in sales is not Samsung's gain: Welcome to 'Tablet Transformation' | @haydn1701 @forbeshttp://www.forbes.com/sites...
RT @CatoInstitute: RT @overlawyered: Feds indict FedEx for not snooping into packages http://overlawyered.com/2014...
RT @GreenScreenDays: How to annoy four kinds of geek at once https://twitter.com/GreenSc...
Yeah, it's the dumbed down "American" version, but I'm still looking forward to it 😜 ★ Snowpiercer (with Leah) — https://t.co/d0oqAXjOOm
RT @voxdotcom: Why are iPhone sales skyrocketing while iPad sales keep falling? http://www.vox.com/2014...
RT @brainpicker: Stanley Kubrick, born on this day in 1928, on the meaning of life – a rare Playboy interview http://www.brainpickings.org/index... https://twitter.com/brainpi...
RT @TechCrunch: Facebook launches a Pocket competitor called Save http://techcrunch.com/2014... https://twitter.com/TechCru...
Unlocking phones in the US will soon be legal http://www.theverge.com/2014... #sweet
Way too beautiful out to eat indoors 😊 (at The Lucky Diner) [pic] — https://t.co/SdX0AIHRXm
"Verizon will start restricting LTE speeds for its heaviest unlimited-plan customers" http://gigaom.com/2014...
Ayn Rand's Normative Ethics: The Virtuous Egoist - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
RT @NextCityOrg: The number of cities that banned sleeping in vehicles increased by 119% in just 3 years. http://nextcity.org/daily... https://twitter.com/NextCit...
"Microsoft says Surface Pro 3 is its fastest selling tablet yet" good read http://bgr.com/2014...
RT @reason: The Public Turns Against War http://reason.com/archive...
RT @daringfireball: More Amazing Xioami/Apple Design Coincidences: http://daringfireball.net/linked...
Are we witnessing Windows Phone’s last stand? (via @Pocket) - http://getpocket.com/s...
RT @kcifeanyi: your personal info on @WSJ's site could be compromised following a recent cyberattack: http://www.fastcompany.com/3033439...
"Apple denies having included a backdoor in iOS or other products" good read http://bgr.com/2014...
"Man Poses as Security Screener for TSA So That He Could Grope People Like They Do" good read http://thefreethoughtproject.com/man-pos...
Ayn Rand's Last Public Lecture: The Sanction of the Victims - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
"First of Its Kind Map Reveals Extent of Ocean Plastic" http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news...
"Alas [Windows Phone], we barely knew ye" http://bgr.com/2014...
"Comcast’s brilliant new way to retain subscribers: Refuse to let them cancel" http://bgr.com/2014...
"Say 'no' to interruptions, 'yes' to better work" http://www.sciencedaily.com/release...
I really wish people would stop trying to speak "Ebonics" to me (at Belltown) — https://t.co/DymbloewEB
Violent criminals and disgraced politicians are begging Google to ‘forget’ them http://bgr.com/2014...
RT @DanDotLewis: BREAKING: Kim Jong Un congratulates the North Korean Men's National Team on a 4th consecutive World Cup championship! https://twitter.com/DanDotL...
Couple accused of literally selling their kids into slavery so they could buy more in-app purchases http://bgr.com/2014...
Chinese Executive Charged in Hacking Case http://online.wsj.com/article...
Man Finds FBI Tracking Device on Car, Posts Photos Online, Gets Visit From FBI http://thefreethoughtproject.com/man-fin...