RT @FakeDorsey: the @twitter office is insufferable during #hackweek: every useless naïf running around all excited with some fucking moronic idea.
RT @isaach: haha RT @simonblackwell: Americans say Legos instead of Lego, presumably utilising the spare 's' from maths.
OH: "Spit in one hand, and hope in the other. See which fills up faster." LOVE IT. :) @gracemcdunnough
Here I go a-skippin'! @visitsunvalley
Why Nikola Tesla was the greatest geek who ever lived - The Oatmeal http://theoatmeal.com/comics...
RT @boburnham: Want to create a tear in the fabric of spacetime? Have James Lipton interview Ice-T while they both drink Lipton Ice Teas.
The massive version of the Nexus Q at #io12. WANT. http://twitter.com/jedding...
Wow, couldn't decide which device it would be, but never thought it would be all three... !!! #io12
I worry about the state of US higher education when so many awesome women-in-tech come from outside the US... @mattcutts @ginatrapani
"Jumping into ball pits" is a sport according to Google. No wonder they don't get sports. :) #io12
Insane? More like massaged *just so*. @isaach @mikeisaac
RT @kevinmarks: #io12 "this movie restarted right where I left it at home" - I can't see that being awkward at all.
RT @ginatrapani: Cringing in advance of the freak-out Oprah moment #io2012
Check shirt + v-neck sweater. Is that forward-thinking in nerd fashion? :)
The Amazing World of Gumball...machine! http://twitter.com/jedding...
"@kelly_heather: First day on the new job! http://twitter.com/kelly_h..." Hey, I was there yesterday, too! :)
Too late, having the Barnyard (grass fed beef, grilled onions, pork belly, fried egg, green ketchup, & arugula). Mmmm! @flipburger @jackk
Hey @jackk, I'm at Flip Burger in Atlanta. What should I have?
Eating at a pizza joint that brags it pizzas are "coal fired." Wait: that's a good thing?
Took the new employee tour of the CNN studios in Atlanta - very cool! http://twitter.com/jedding...
Facebook Ad Exchange stalled off the starting line? Knowledge from @jackk: dropped. http://blog.tartanlabs.com/post...
It's going to take 2-4 weeks to get my new MacBook Air. Going to try iPad+keyboard/case until then. Think I can survive/thrive?
Interest graph = marketer's goal. Luckily my friends @StumbleUpon already know this. :) /cc @jackk http://mashable.com/2012...
Saw two students walk out of Gates Hall at Stanford, one wearing a Yahoo t-shirt, one wearing a Google t-shirt. Really? That on the nose?
RT @WillyFerrell: What if birds aren't really singing, they're just screaming because they're scared of heights?
Anyone know of someone who could come give a workshop / talk on navigating legal waters for startups?
It's official, I'm a Media Camp-er: http://www.mediacamp.com/team/ . I'm particularly fond of this turn of phrase :) http://twitter.com/jedding...
RT @brugoes: @jeddings Congrats Jeff! :) Tell the @blitzersbeard I say hi!
Day 1 at Turner Broadcasting and Media Camp. Crawled under desk for computer setup? Check. New company swag? Check. Super excited? Check. :)
Happy birthday to @isaach , one of very few Englishman for whom the accent doesn't make him sound smarter...he's already THAT SMART. :)