J. D. Ebberly

I post about Blogging, Social Media, PR, SEO, Marketing, and the exponential development and acceleration of technology and its effect on the business world.
New Law: Virginia will not cooperate with NDAA detention http://tenthamendmentcenter.com/2012... This is a step in the right direction :)
Hello everyone on Twitter - reports of my premature demise are just that - premature LOL :)
.@RobWittman Does the CIA really need to know I post in online political forums? #CongressTMI Stop #CISPA https://t.co/ocAqOt6A
.@GerryConnolly Does the CIA really need to know I post in online political forums? #CongressTMI Stop #CISPA https://t.co/ocAqOt6A
Save the Internet from the US! #CISPA is even worse than #SOPA. Sign the urgent petition @Avaaz: http://www.avaaz.org/en...
Revolution and Repression in America http://andrewgavinmarshall.com/2011...
Arrest Rogue US Senators that support National Defense Authorization Act (S1867) http://petitionbureau.org/ArrestR...
I LOVE our beloved, sacred Constitution and our sacred Bill of Rights
Just for the record - I am NOT socialist.
US Congress expands authoritarian anti-protest law http://www.wsws.org/article...
Wake Up Amerika! Our Constitution and Bill of Rights are under major attack --- By the United States Government
I, JD Ebberly, can now be considered to be an active dissident against our unjust government
In light of the nature of the bill, which constitutes a significant attack on the First Amendment, this blackout cannot be innocent.
The passage of H.R. 347 has been the subject of a virtual blackout in the media.
Posted via email from jdebberly's posterous - J. D. Ebberly
Posted via email from jdebberly's posterous - J. D. Ebberly
RT @slideshare '10 Tips for Making Beautiful Slideshow Presentations' is featured on our homepage.http://t.co/W3YP0Og
RT @slideshare '10 Tips for Making Beautiful Slideshow Presentations' is featured on our homepage. slidesha.re/pcI3br
RT @PhilGerb Infographic Of The Day: What's The Value Of A New Customer? | Co. Design http://t.co/xZQLMOO Interesting stuff. @chriszane
RT @slideshare 'Building Your Blog Brand' is featured on our homepage http://t.co/3AZnTVZ
RT @slideshare 'Building Your Blog Brand' is featured on our homepage. slidesha.re/nNpUdd
RT @eamcc Here's the article (DMNews) Google+ partners w/ Bazaarvoice, Powerreviews #smmeasure http://t.co/HBcJEGl
RT @SmallBizLady: We will celebrate the 100 Small Business Influencers on Sept 13 - #smbinfluencer - http://t.co/EOKFy3f #SmallBizChat
Sorry folks - I have been thrown in Twitter Jail lol - Too much Tweeting in an hour #SmallBizChat
RT @KikScore: A10: 1) Participate in tweetchats 2) Put out active, fresh & good content and 3) Informative videos! #SmallBizChat
RT @mmonsen7 A10 Agree with @chrisbennett; Have customers provide buzz. Give incentives for sharing. Allow them create content #SmallBizChat
RT @chrisebennett: A10c Lastly, buy Adwords. But its way better if your customers are driving your traffic #SmallBizChat
A10 Getting traffic is simple, make sure the focus is on getting customers. Put things your customers need on your website #SmallBizChat
RT @chrisebennett A10b Think about ways you can make your custs do the work. How can u reward custrs for tweeting, liking you? #SmallBizChat
A9c Good backlinks are hard to get and require real effort, so be prepared to work hard for them #SmallBizChat