Jan Friman

Entrepreneur, project manager, management consultant, creative director, photographer living in Chiang mai Thailand. Starting up Inforganic - Join the Dialogue!
RT @JayOatway: I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/icche0kMP00?a Attract top talent using "Apply with LinkedIn"
I got early access to @ledface. Join the Collective Intelligence! | http://t.co/Ggi4zfs
1Password Safari Extension Gets Complete Redesign with New Features http://zite.to/oYRWC5
Get the best of both worlds! | Why Google is a Better Apple Friend than Enemy http://zite.to/nLxxNi
Is Better Task Management on Your To-Do List? http://zite.to/q6P2z5
Time Management in Social Media - the definitive guide http://zite.to/nKwQCk
This is not My last Tweet... Not just yet! | Why Twitter is obsolete http://zite.to/nUg77Y
Wohoo! Searching for just got easier! | Google Launches Hotel Search Tool With Room Price Data http://zite.to/oiQIBR
Facebook App Super Friends Maps Your Friends Based on Connections - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r...
RT @RASaxton: On the web your brain is worth more than your wallet - Adam Singer #vocus good quote!
Video: What a peaceful thing! Kind of sets a cool atmosphere. | Via vanityfair: http://tumblr.com/xoc3qanwxb
The Value of Value! | 20 Unconventional Entrepreneurs That Will Inspire You http://zite.to/pUY9Kf
Key for building Trust! | The Business of Communicating Values http://zite.to/mYCQqP via @hbr
Email Is still My Hub. Here Is some of the reasons why | @smashingmag http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2011...
Highly relevant about Defining quality by @setgodin http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_b... via @zite
State of the Web: What are the fastest cities in the world http://gigaom.com/broadba...
Note to Publishers! | Ars Technica’s OS X Lion review made $15,000+ in 24 hours on the Kindle http://zite.to/ooqbaW
Interesting! But are they diving business? | Facebook launches Facebook for Business. Your move, Google+ http://zite.to/pKZQdR via @zite
Creative Cultures: MailChimp Grants Employees "Permission To Be Creative" http://zite.to/n317Qr
Interesting fact... on Twitter the conversation seem very hidden or/and extremely slow. G+ has changed my perspective on conversations.
Real Life + Real Conversation adds up to some Real Love. That kind of mean something. Or am i just to old fashioned? Please tell me!
Facebook is so 2010... and Twitter... so last month. What happens next week? Here the video i'm watching btw: http://t.co/AvITIt3 #GarryV.
So how many UnFollowers do i get now..? Huh? Are you guys even paying attention? Are you actually Following what i am saying? #Nonsense
So, how are we communicating here? ReTweeting? Just DM me if this make any sense :) - Listening to Garry V on the YTube. Good shit! Thanks!
Interesting to visit the Twitter feed after the G+ launch and initial growth. Holy smokes, i'm running out of Characters... only 11 left - 0
Google+'s Numbers Aren't as Impressive as Everyone Thinks http://zite.to/o4ij9B
Just Chrome it! | A Day Without Native Apps: My Chromebook Experiment http://zite.to/qGQGN5
Privacy and Google+ [Infographic] http://zite.to/o9XK7a
Support Norway: add a #PicBadge to your image - http://www.picbadges.com/norway...
RT @mysticventures: Opportunity dances with those already on the dance floor. ~ H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
The OS X Lion Survival Guide - http://gizmodo.com/5822946...
Almost regret I got the damn thing... Still downloading... WTF! Switching to Android pretty soon anyway... Still going to use my iMac for Photo editing in Aperture and... Hmmm what else? Enjoying the beautiful screen of course... - Jan Friman
How to Add Google Plus Search for Profiles and Posts to Chrome - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r...
Great tip! - Jan Friman