
Computer Science student at the University of York, UK. Lead Developer of Twitterfall.com. Passionate about Erlang, Linux, Hacking and Antonia.
Re: Why you shouldn’t use target=_blank, and what to use instead - http://jalada.co.uk/2011...
"But then it wouldn't degrade for people with Javascript disabled, right?" - Jalada
Re: Raspberry Pi SD card benchmark - http://jalada.co.uk/2012...
"I assumed that as it was rated as Class 10, it should achieve 10MB/s random access. But sure, I'll benchmark in something else to compare and update the post." - Jalada
News International "R&D Open Day" timelapse - http://vimeo.com/41829940
Re: Using Compass with Rails 3.1 final and no hacks - http://jalada.co.uk/2011...
"Compass provides lots of useful mix-ins for SASS." - Jalada
Re: Constructing a State Based model in Alloy - http://jalada.co.uk/2009...
"I'm sorry Farouk. It's been so long since I did this that my knowledge of Alloy etc. has completely evaporated!" - Jalada
reddit is offline in protest of PROTECT IP and SOPA - http://www.reddit.com/
"submitted by reddit to blog." - Jalada
Re: Nintendo 3DS and DS games: The truth - http://jalada.co.uk/2011...
"It's fine, the 3DS is compatible with DS games." - Jalada
Re: How to bring down a poorly deployed WordPress (and how to stop it from happening) - http://jalada.co.uk/2011...
"That's fine but this is optimisation for a situation where your blog receives a sudden large amount of genuine traffic for example if you are linked to from a popular blog. In that situation each connection will be from a different IP anyway, and you want them to see your content, not block them!" - Jalada
Re: Scripting News: First thoughts about oEmbed - http://scripting.com/stories...
"Storify use oEmbed too." - Jalada
Re: Nintendo 3DS and DS games: The truth - http://jalada.co.uk/2011...
"No." - Jalada
Re: Using Compass with Rails 3.1 final and no hacks - http://jalada.co.uk/2011...
"You shouldn't need to run compass watch at all. The Rails gem recompiles your stylesheets when you request them in development mode. You don't even need to run compass init for Rails 3.1 any more. So long as you install the alpha version, you can just write stylesheets in the new app/assets/stylesheets folder with all the Compass mix-ins you want :)" - Jalada
Re: Bitpocket as a Dropbox alternative - Odes of the Occult - http://ku1ik.com/2011...
"Pretty nice to have a file-based undo though (admittedly in most situations I use git for that)" - Jalada
Re: Bitpocket as a Dropbox alternative - Odes of the Occult - http://ku1ik.com/2011...
"All you need now is to somehow maintain revisions..." - Jalada
Re: Better Rails production box - Odes of the Occult - http://ku1ik.com/2011...
"Thanks for the logrotate script. Always put off setting up logrotate because I've never used it before, so having something I could copy + paste into a similar Capistrano deployment situation was great :)" - Jalada
Re: Lion, RVM and Ruby 1.8.7 woes - http://www.disqus.com/people...
"So does that mean you need to do the same tweak (setting CC to gcc-4.2) to install 1.9.2 as well?" - Jalada
Re: The Minecraft factor - http://www.disqus.com/people...
"Good analysis. I haven't played Minecraft in ages; I think it's probably had a few new features since I last played (they'd just added the portals to the underworld place)." - Jalada
Re: LulzSec made me switch to 1Password (and you should too) - http://jalada.co.uk/2011...
"Yeah I heard about it. I'm merely expressing my cynicism about shoving everything in the wonder that is 'the cloud'. But who I am to talk, I sync 1Password over Dropbox which is basically the same thing. I'm sure LastPass is brilliant and I'm sure they talk security very seriously! :) What I was exactly referring to (which I'm sure you heard about) was that Dropbox always insisted that your data is encrypted and employees can't get to it, but then it was discovered that actually a 'handful' of employees can get to your data. Which defeats the point." - Jalada
Re: Who cares about password security? NatWest don’t - http://www.disqus.com/people...
"As I said in my post, this is NatWest Online Credit Card Services (you'll see it as a little tab with 'NEW' next to it when you go to login to online banking)." - Jalada
Re: LulzSec made me switch to 1Password (and you should too) - http://www.disqus.com/people...
"Yeah it is a shame. You can at least use 1Password Anywhere to access your data if you create it on say...your iPhone. But that's a bit of a pain compared to decent browser support." - Jalada
Re: LulzSec made me switch to 1Password (and you should too) - http://jalada.co.uk/2011...
"That's what they said about Dropbox." - Jalada
Re: Who cares about password security? NatWest don’t - http://www.disqus.com/people...
"I hear that some banks just require 6-8 digits; no characters allowed." - Jalada
Re: Who cares about password security? NatWest don’t - http://www.disqus.com/people...
"Nope, this is Credit Card Services, I can make payments and transfers once I am logged in, they just ask for a couple more characters of my password. Granted, NatWest would be able to give me the money back. But more to the point is this; it encourages poor security, and it makes you wonder how they are storing your data and/or passwords if they think that 6-8 alphanumerics is good enough. Imposing a limit like that has been a conscious decision, and it worries me that people in charge of my money make stupid decisions like that." - Jalada
Who cares about password security? NatWest (UK Bank) don't - http://www.reddit.com/r...
Re: Who cares about password security? NatWest don’t - http://jalada.co.uk/2011...
"So there are what...62 possible hashes (per salt)? Sounds very dumb." - Jalada
Re: HP, you have a window. - http://www.awevation.com/2011...
"Neither are market experts." - Jalada
Re: HP, you have a window. - http://www.awevation.com/2011...
"I think this is what you are trying to say but you shouldn't advertise a product as 'the x killer' or 'the x competitor' either because you are admitting that product is the best. That's a snippet I picked up from the book 'Rework' by 37 Signals which is well worth a read (it's really short, you can get through it in one sitting), particularly if you ever want to run your own business or have a good idea." - Jalada
RT @kevindente: Oh look, Google ported VB5 to the browser. http://googleappsdeveloper.blogspot.com/2011...
On is kinda the wrong word. You know what I mean
On Court No. 1 at Wimbledon tomorrow. Andy Murray playing in the second match!
RT @Pinboard: So the FBI raided our hosting company and pulled three racks. No idea if our server was among them
RT @glynmoody: LulzSec supposedly claims its biggest coup yet: The entire UK 2011 Census - http://thenextweb.com/industr... tell me again why centralised dbs are good?
Slowly switching to one time random passwords with @1password. Also 2-factor auth with Google but I suspect that is going to be irritating.