Today on Reddit: "Mom, chill the fuck out"
RT @avantlaguerre: Santoro che critica la RAI è deprimente come le amiche che ti invitano a cena solo per sparlare del tipo che se le scopava al liceo.
Today on Reddit: The Art of Keylogging with Metasploit & Javascript
RT @cencio4: Photo: Lockheed Martin F-35's first mission with external weapons
Today on Reddit: you ordered some pizza
RT @ferrarailgrasso: Sono da ora su twitter. Sono quello grasso. Baci. Speriamo bene.
Today on Reddit: How does /b/ get it's women?
Today on Reddit: Composite shot of hundreds of planes taking off at Hanover Airport
RT @thegrugq: @dakami rather than getting upset at the massive tracking DBs of major corps, can't we just rage at a startup for doing what everyone does?
RT @cencio4: Italy to provide Israeli Air Force with the M-346, a trainer jet that "already looks on to the F-35"
RT @tqbf: Why are there 13 root DNS servers? Because 14 won't fit in a 512 byte UDP packet; anything larger than 512 would have fragmented in 1990.
RT @azael: i giovani di sanremo hanno quella freschezza, quella grinta priva di forzature, che son solite rivelarsi nel caffé corretto al sugo di lepre
Today on Reddit: TIL Dr Donald Unger cracked the knuckles of his left hand (but not his right hand) every day for mo...
RT @avantlaguerre: Ogni volta che parla Celentano ho quella mortificazione ansiogena di quando mio nonno scorreggia a Natale.
RT @avantlaguerre: La partecipazione di Belen è stata così scialba ed inadeguata che per un attimo ho pensato che fosse un suo porno.
Today on Reddit: Su-35S "Flanker-E" and T-50 PAK-FA in the sky of Lipetsk, Autumn of 2011 [2200x1586]
Today on Reddit: Convicts in the county jail, Greene County, Georgia, by Jack Delano, June 1941 [1200 × 1201]
RT @WiredFeed: Feb. 15, 1995: Mitnick Arrested: Kevin Mitnick's name is synonymous with hacking. And for good reason.
RT @doingitwrong: Twitter is the PERFECT communications medium. I have discovered a truly remarkable proof of this, which this tweet is too small to contain.
Today on Reddit: So that's why he's here.
mi trovo in una situazione un po' particolare.. ho uno script php che pesca un valore a caso da una array e lo salva in un altra array. Lo script viene comandato da cron una volta al giorno. Vorrei costituire un feed rss a partire dalla array di uscita.. senza usare db possibilmente. consigli?
("array" maschile, ti prego!). Poi non ho capito che consiglio cerchi. - Claudio Cicali
ma se aggiungo poi ho lo stesso array, con stesso nome ma valori diversi.. come fo a generare il feed? scusate non sono esperto di php - Jacopod
Today on Reddit: Download a Copy of The Pirate Bay, It’s Only 90 MB
Download a Copy of The Pirate Bay, It’s Only 90 MB: submitted by andrewstrat to technology [link] [924 commenti]
Dear Wednesday...: submitted by khdutton to AdviceAnimals [link] [50 commenti]
Today on Reddit: I wasn't sure if my package was under 16 oz for mailbox use. No scales at home, I improvised.
Today on Reddit: Dear Wednesday...
Today on Reddit: For the first year in its history, India has no reported cases of polio.
For the first year in its history, India has no reported cases of polio.: submitted by jman2011 to worldnews ...
RT @paolonori: Silenzio in Emilia e le Opere complete di Learco Pignagnoli (parte prima) | Paolo Nori via @ilpost
Saw this in the woods today..: submitted by aintnodoubt to funny [link] [66 commenti]
Today on Reddit: Saw this in the woods today..