Isha (Marysia)

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RT @GailRenard: Labour needs a new leader. It's time for the third Miliband brother, Chico.
RT @chessmartinez: HUGE congratulations to the amazing @CarolineLucas for being named 'MP of the Year'! One of the few politicians with principles and empathy.
@MistyDSpears Brilliant - ta! Exactly what I need :-)
@MistyDSpears Is that the kind of paint that they say will stick to anything?
Poverty in the UK: The public's view: from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation @jrf_uk via @criquaer
RT @criquaer: A useful & interesting site for all disables and those wanting to support in the private/public spheres. #NewApproach
Why I will wear a white poppy to honour the dead on Remembrance Day via @GarryKnight
RT @adrianshort: #SamaritansRadar has been suspended but it's not over yet. My statement: @samaritans
Good news. #Samaritans: "we have made the decision to suspend the app... for further consideration" #SamaritansRadar
RT @mburnhope: An excellent analysis of exactly what Women of Colour mean when they say "White Feminist." Swallow pride, read:
RT @mburnhope: This is a brilliant piece on the pervasiveness and invisibility of ableist language, and why it really. does. matter:
"I am Muslim and I don't care of those idiots who hijacked my religion."
RT @glosdeaf: Don't believe the #Deaf community exists? Think again - article via @charlie_swin for @HuffingtonPost #GraysonPerry
RT @HCjnl The first issue of Human Computation <view in Chrome browser; Firefox wants to download each article pdf
RT @Floppy: Everyone should take 15 mins to watch @MiniGirlGeek in conversation with @Marthalanefox at the #ODISummit. Amazing:
RT @Jargonautical: #ODISummit ok, I'm done. 18% charge left, but only 3% feeling in drawing hand :/
RT @tommyh: Huge new EU investment in #opendata, in case you missed the news:
@kimkiyosaki Hi, can you please remove me from your slowmail mailing list. Name Marysia Kurowski. Thanks in advance!
@adrianshort @samaritans I used them once many years ago & were useless. Some1 on phone saying "I can hear that your quite upset". Really!
RT @latentexistence: Samaritans refuse to acknowledge people they're meant to help who object to #SamaritansRadar. Sign the petition:
RT @adrianshort: In 8 days since launch, the @samaritans haven't made a single statement addressing concerns of people leaving Twitter over #SamaritansRadar.
RT @adrianshort: Various people have offered generous donations and legal help towards taking @samaritans to court over #SamaritansRadar. Moving forward.
RT @adrianshort: Last night @samaritans denied responsibility for #SamaritansRadar's data. Here's my response:
Lol RT @WillieKeane Toe-curlingly-cringey on #Apprentice. James a cert to go which means his team's won. I've sussed the editing on this. :)
RT @kcorrick: .@MiniGirlGeek comes back on stage to give @timberners_lee a scarf made of web data made by @videosmithery to end #ODISummit. What an end!
RT @waragency: Watch > RT @UKODI: For those who can’t be with us today, we’ve started uploading videos of sessions here: #ODISummit
RT @ChaynHQ: .@minigeekgirl "Everyone should have the opportunity to learn what code is." Namedrop of @codeacademy as #opendata to learn code. #odisummit
RT @JeniT: #ODISummit @minigeekgirl: open data enables us to learn from free resources; I've used it to compare child poverty across areas
Where did you hide my food mummy! -
.@Ed_Dale Thanks for the letter! xxx