@boredcollegekid Site duly bookmarked for it's awesomeness (apostrophe.me). Do you have any more site's like that? ;)
@bear lol. That doesn't surprise me. Go to bed, nerd ;p
@bear Surely u have a python or perl shell script 2 3d render r = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z ) theta = atan2(sqrt(x*x + y*y) , z) ... bla bla ;)
@bear That is awesome stuff. I see new desktop wallpaper galore!
@CjayMarshall That's blackmail!
@PeterSantilli I hope it turns out to be insignificant. Stay positive at all times!
SPDY:// ?? WHy not create a binary protocol extension for HTTP instead of coming up with something that breaks old browsers?
Explain how abortion is a woman's right 2 privacy that precludes gov't involvment but my relation with MD is your business? #p2 #tlot #tcot
@bear Happy 234th & Semper Fi!
@kosso Invite came through. I appreciate it!
@boredcollegekid Free Washer! Half-Empty/Half-Full! ;)
@merlyn Maybe you can practice your presentation as spoken word at karaoke #ignitesalem
@sullrich You can rest assured that they do not have a clue as to what they are doing! P.S. Can't wait for the pfSense book to arrive!
@frozzted @Fireman17 You can't expect an old fart like #@Tracker29 to remember his password can you?? ;p
@spam GoogesSniper
RT @SamiShamieh: Can’t wait to go to the post office for stamps, a new Camaro, insurance and a prostate exam. #tcot // Yea, with 6 mo wait!
@boredcollegekid Rather late to the party. The revolution was 234 years ago.
@jamiedupree Wow. My CSpan stream is lagged over a minute!
@boredcollegekid Yep. And under this kinder, gentler administration, we want 2 send another 32k people when the promise was 2 bring all home
Every time I see Waxman, I have this strange urge to grab a pool cue and vomit. #tcot #tlot
@boredcollegekid So the money 4 this will magically appear out of nowhere? Uncle Sam will shut Denny's down or make them sell tofu.
RT @jamiedupree: 10:30pm in the Capitol: people are lined up 20 deep in the hallways to get into the jammed galleries
@andylevy Amen, brother! Vote *NO* on C-SPAN HD! :D #hcr #tcot #tlot #p2
Too bad my representative is a far-left arrogant lunatic (Grayson). Not a snowball's chance in hell I can have any influence on this vote.
@kosso /me raises his hand. insurgent at insurgent dot us
@JalenJade Be sure to calculate what the speed was when you get it. We need to start a new hashtag #uspsblows
Google fails for not having a special logo pic today to celebrate the Interwebz 40th anniversary.
Windows 7 upgrade fail: Can't in place upgrade Windows Vista Ultimate to Windows 7 Professional. Utterly lame.
RT @merlyn: Livestreaming Karaoke at Pyzano's - taking requests for new songs to try! (Broadcasting live at http://www.ustream.tv/channel...)
Windows 7 upgrades arrived. Average speed of delivery by US Postal service: 5.68 MPH (9.14 KPH) Can't wait 4 them 2 control my health care.
I've entered the MacBook Air contest! You can win by following @WeekinRewind and RETWEET. http://www.weekinrewind.com/2009... He follows back!
@Fireman17 with his own IP and shell. The Apocalypse is neigh.