RT @__ted__: RELEASED: Flash Builder 4 & Flex 4 Framework http://www.adobe.com/product... http://twitpic.com/1a43i9
RT @thibault_imbert: Huge congrats to the teams! Flex 4 and Flash Builder are here: http://bit.ly/ahgxKd (via @ryanstewart)
OSMF APIs are locked down at 3/8 version 0.93 release, it's time to try it out
Trying a new prerelease version of Flash Builder 4 beta finally based on Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo), \m/
@eidiot Excellent! good job man! BTW, which OS licenses will that be?
Flex advanced data visualization components now part of the FREE open source Flex SDK! - http://iamdeepa.com/blog/?p=53
终于决定停止搞笑了吧…… - Cotton
Flash/Flex Builder Flash Professional Asset Workflows - http://richardleggett.co.uk/blog...
AS3 is weird. True story! - http://va.lent.in/blog...
Math.max.apply(Math, []); just have in mind today, feel just great at the first place, but you know what happening when I Google it, FML...
RT @robpenner: return foo ||= new Foo(); is shorter, but always re-assigns foo. return foo || (foo = new Foo()); only assigns once. @mrmass @bclinkinbeard
杯具啊,我到今天才发现原来去年年底的那次 mt (gs) 密码重设是因为 (gs) 服务器被黑掉了,真没想到他们竟然是用明文存 FTP 密码的啊啊啊~~~ http://weblog.mediatemple.net/weblog...
RT @gskinner: Just noticed that my blog post on the Future of Flash was my 500th post. Seems appropriate somehow. http://www.gskinner.com/blog...
@dexteryy 请给义和拳众上一碗內牛满面
@jinni_cao 版本控制里请一定加上 Git, 这个东西对团队协作尤其是 SNS 时代的快速开发提供了无比强大的支持
RT @jinni_cao: Flash平台开发者技能树 http://swfever.com/?p=871
@jinni_cao 跨平台又一次立功了
@eidiot gVim and viPlugin with Flash Builder
@dexteryy 你难道感受不到这是乔老爷对您孜孜不倦的循循善诱么,还不乖乖去换铝砖
start working
"你获得了技能: Git"
mark: Dopod A6288 (HTC Hero)
mark: Y550P
"kill the cheerleader,save the show"......
Check out the new W3C website http://www.w3.org/ @w3c
Add bit.ly to whitelist of FoxyProxy, #fuckgfw
@eidiot 嗯,弱类型确实是架构里的坏味道,等有空也试试 : )
Flash Builder += Viplugin + Subclipse + JDT + WDT
@eidiot 介绍一下,之前扫过一眼好像和 PureMVC 的结构有点相似,貌似是有 IoC 的加持……