
Mixing engineer and music producer. Likes rock, pop, dance, electronic, world music, cats, and usually himself.
On August 22, the Turkish Government intends to instate a law that will allow them to ban access to websites without justification.Please RT
New favorite: Let it out - 2011 preview by audiorommet on #SoundCloud
Congrats to LastPass: they have reached to 1 Million users! #LoveLastPass
PreSonus Studio One Artist is only 20$ for 3 days. NAMM special
I'm in downloading ur internetz! #putdotio
FriendFeed Traffic Is Actually Up Since The Facebook Deal; Thanks Largely To Turkey via @techcrunch
"Success comes before work only in the dictionary". An interview with THE man, Quincy Jones:
Hey @Badoo, taking superpowers from already existing users and asking money to give it back is a pretty bad policy. You've lost one there.
Am I the only one who thinks Pro Tools' main project window and all the rest of the menu is overly bloated, geeky looking, and unintuitive?
Trying out yoono for firefox. It looks like it's something I could use for my social networking activities :)
RockMelt - the most claustrophobic web experience I've had to date.
Aircraft crashes after crocodile on board escapes and sparks panic
RT @ChrisPirillo: When something can be read without effort, great effort has gone into its writing. [Enrique Jardiel Poncela]
IMDB is changing the names of the movies according to my browser's country settings. Looking at a list of films with Polish titles. Stupid.
Q: The name of a song in ur mind right now..tell me! A: Song 2
Q: Do you have any tips on organic gardening A: You may check nice blogs i.e
Q: What is the best movie? A: The Matrix (photo)
RT @DaniDraws: To the artists I see chatting constantly, who complain about not getting stuff done, and rarely post new work: Twitter is not helping you.
Hey @smohkim, WinX HD Video Converter for Mac works, thanks!
IK Multimedia's yet another group buy is in its last days. Don't miss it!
OK, too much flirting for 6 AM.
Free sounds for your music production (if you haven't heard about this site yet)
The weather in Warsaw... let's say "interesting"...
Israeli Professor Living Near Gaza Border: 'How Has My Country So Terribly Lost Its Way?' | World ..
RT @dw_english: EU demands inquiry after Israeli raid on ships, Turkey outraged