RT @newsycombinator: Intel Bringing SIMD to JavaScript https://t.co/QpESFMXtlA
RT @PlutonForEver: Dang you @DMC_Ryan, I’m up at 2:59 to beat you…Halo 5: Guardians---343i will deliver…#Halo. http://news.xbox.com/2014...
RT @kellabyte: ahahahahaha, best distributed systems talk EVER http://vimeo.com/95066828 ahahahaha
RT @sbykov_work: After talking with @hoopsomuah at http://www.tealsk12.org/ event my teenager called him a "cool guy". A very high praise for a teen. :-)
RT @dreid: HTTP/2 seriously what the fuck, fix the spelling of Referer.
RT @Renzo_Soprano: It would take 2.3 seconds to retweet this face of a missing child. https://twitter.com/Renzo_S...
RT @nrrrdcore: For the first time in history we all have a voice. Use yours to create a better world. Because if not, wtf are we all doing here?
RT @Microsoft_Green: Our internal #carbon fee has helped us invest in #renewable #energy and energy efficiency http://blogs.msdn.com/b... #EarthDay
RT @XboxP3: Xbox Wire: Crytek Releases the All-Action Shooter Warface Xbox 360 Edition Today http://news.xbox.com/2014...
Is S/MIME like not a thing anymore?
RT @kellabyte: Distributed system algorithms are hard. You shouldn’t trust that they just work. Do your homework and also do sufficient proper testing.
RT @sbykov_work: Orleans: Thinking Big and Small. I wrote a post about the misperception that Orleans is primarily for massive scale. http://orleans.codeplex.com/wikipag...
RT @ForbesTech: Expert on the cloud? @forbestech is looking for great contributors on all things related to it. Send links to your work: [email protected]
Cool TypeScript stuff being done at Palantir: http://www.palantir.com/2013... cc @typescriptlang @palantirtech
Tonight I'll be speaking at the Redmond .Net Developers Association meeting on Orleans and Halo: http://www.meetup.com/NET-Dev...
Using Project “Orleans” in Halo http://hoopsomuah.com/2014...
RT @richorama: Created the first OrleansContrib project on GitHub: https://t.co/q2yZjMHCGZ Persist grain state to Azure Blob Storage.
RT @dsyme: The F# language and library are now open for contributions, through community cooperation with the Visual F# Team https://t.co/05obN13Jnz
RT @sbykov_work: Bing brought some nostalgia with this 2010 post by @maryjofoley with slides by Jim Larus. We've come a long way to Build 2014. :-)
RT @CaitieM20: @demisbellot @hoopsomuah @clemensv @Grumpydev @ICooper quick blog post on building RESTful Services using Orleans http://caitiem.com/2014...
Listening to Leslie Lamport talk about Thinking for Programmers
WOOT! .Net gets SIMD as part of the new RyuJIT!
RT @sbykov_work: Thanks to two10d for helping with them! "@richorama: @TonyAbell @RobinDotNet @tedneward the code samples are here http://orleans.codeplex.com"
RT @netduino: Day 2 keynote announcement by @StevenGuggs - Microsoft will be bringing generics and performance improvements to .NET MF #bldwin #netmf #iot
RT @sbykov_work: Recording of our yesterday's Orleans talk with @hoopsomuah is now available - http://channel9.msdn.com/Events...
RT @migueldeicaza: Roslyn open sourced! And the crowd goes wild!
Ha ha, @sandrlem just called @shanselman a celebri-geek.
Excited to be talking about Orleans in 40 min at #bldwin especially since it's now available as a public preview: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualS...
RT @danvy: With #Azure and Orléans, you understand that @Microsoft is serious about Internet of Things #iot http://research.microsoft.com/apps...
RT @niklas_gus: At Internet of Things with Azure Service Bus session at #bldwin? Orleans, #dotnet actors CTP is available at https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualS...
My talk on Orleans and Halo will be streaming live: http://channel9.msdn.com/ at 5:30pm PST #bldwin