RT @mathewi: Bottom line: if the monkey uses your camera to take a bunch of pics, get him to write up a transfer of copyright http://gigaom.com/2014...
RT @InYourFaceNYer: @RichardDawkins People have actually told me, "But you're using logic!" when I explain my position on something. As if that's a bad thing.
RT @kaepora: Browser plugin that replaces the word "disrupt" with the the word "bullshit" on all web pages: https://t.co/BmRDFTOuzU
RT @astepanovich: Just wow RT @attackerman: what a chart RT @the_intercept: Who’s on the “terrorist” watchlist? https://t.co/IcWQzVuUPT https://twitter.com/the_int...
RT @csoghoian: This is a warrant authorizing the FBI to infect with malware every computer that visits a particular website. Scary. https://twitter.com/csoghoi...
Rich Hickey discussing what's unique about Clojure. Some very interesting ideas. https://www.youtube.com/watch...
Expert to Expert: Rich Hickey and Brian Beckman - Inside Clojure: https://www.youtube.com/watch... via @YouTube
RT @polemitis: From @EpicureanDeal: Trulia forgot to terminate 3 year old engagement letter from Quattrone, owes ~$70M. http://epicureandealmaker.blogspot.com/2014...
Study: fist bump 'substantially' more hygienic than handshake http://cir.ca/news...
RT @trickjarrett: "Lives Remaining: 0" - @alexisohanian -- I love this quote so much. A reminder that this life is all we've got, let's not waste it.
RT @gregorydjohnsen: Not so much on the cheeky tweets from @CIA today
RT @trevortimm: Reminder: there is *another* scandal involving CIA spying on emails to Congress that John Brennan has not addressed. http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2014...
RT @jamesiry: Prospective priest hears of vows of poverty and chastity. Looks around Vatican. Says "if this is poverty I can't wait to see chastity."
RT @pmarca: @kevin2kelly This is true: I thought I had missed everything when I arrived in Silicon Valley in 1994.
RT @JohnKiriakou: Now clear more than ever... John Kiriakou is in prison for exposing an illegal torture program that the CIA broke the law to hide.
RT @ggreenwald: Who will be the first Lawfare blogger to “confesses he finds himself untroubled” by the CIA’s hacking of Senate computers & Brennan's lies?
RT @ggreenwald: If there's an award for Most Unsympathetic Surveillance Victim of the Millennium, Dianne Feinstein & her Committee has to be the frontrunner
RT @ggreenwald: Violent religious extremists RT @lhfang Senator Lindsey Graham on how America must support Israel because of God https://www.youtube.com/watch...
RT @lukew: “It's very un-Samsung-like to leave an entire inch between Galaxy devices.” https://twitter.com/lukew...
RT @Pinboard: Just a quiet morning engaging with my favorite brands
RT @levie: It's extremely unfortunate that the http://www.united.com/ webmaster lost the password to the server in 1996. https://twitter.com/levie...
RT @waxpancake: “Let people love the small things they love. They mean you no harm.” @kfan on Kim Kardashian: Hollywood. http://kfan.tumblr.com/post... /via @beep
RT @BW: Companies’ average age when going public has hit 11, up from five at the height of the dot-com boom: http://www.businessweek.com/article...
RT @marcoarment: HDCP punishes paying customers and burdens hardware and software with complexity and restrictions. But at least nobody pirates videos.
RT @sama: just did the math. it's now cheaper for me to get rid of my car and uber everywhere (gas, parking, maintianence, insurance, depreciation) .
RT @sama: ok, here is the uberX/car ownership calculation: http://blog.samaltman.com/uber-vs...
RT @pkedrosky: Just realized that other than FT, I have no single-source news app on my iPhone. Everything else aggregates/curates, from Feedly to Reddit.
RT @stentontoledo: @JPBarlow @pmarca only 25 years behind @TheEconomist calling for all drug legalization - http://www.economist.com/node...
Coming back to #HamOnt one day too late for #HackHSR :(
RT @olofster: A world where only rich people own things and everyone else is part of the sharing economy
I'm at San Francisco International Airport (SFO) - @flysfo (San Francisco, CA) w/ 123 others https://t.co/pOLmhPzjR3