RT @ValkyrieStudio: My latest Amazon order pretty much sums up my tastes in entertainment. https://twitter.com/Valkyri...
PS4 (and likely next Xbox) going x86 is great for next-gen gaming, but may leave WiiU even further out in the cold. Nintendo’s last console?
I don’t think I’ve ever mis-read code due to: if (…) { } vs. if (…) { } One of the lamest code-style disagreements.
Now streaming with new DLC Characters in Spelunky! Thank you @spelunkyworld, for the Viking in particular. http://www.twitch.tv/coyotej...
RT @MANvsGAME: Going live for some pre-show music from the exquisite Braid soundtrack http://www.twitch.tv/manvsgame Don't Sweat It Friday begins in 15 minutes!
If this is true, Yahoo! must be looking to re-enter the 20th Century. http://allthingsd.com/2013022...
The chair has 44 reviews, no doubt all of which are from authentic buyers. http://store.hbo.com/game-of...
In the Game of Thrones, you win a chair for the price of a car. http://store.hbo.com/game-of...
RT @stroughtonsmith: The higher end model is $1500. Who on Earth wants a $1500 Chromebook? This laptop was built purely for Google employees, I think
RT @zpower: buying 4-pack of ARM chromebooks instead of pixel
I meant to type “sleep” in my bash shell and I wrote “asleep” instead. Time for some caffeine.
RT @FaustAround: I knew that grouper tasted like tilapia: http://www.nytimes.com/2013...
RT @JesperBylund: This is why I can’t recommend Android, for anyone, http://arstechnica.com/gadgets...
RT @Kotaku: Diablo III fans are not reacting well to the game's PS4 announcement: http://kotaku.com/5985811...
Diablo III on PS4? “An old, mediocre game for your new console!” “Look PS4 is just like a PC!” “Blizzard wouldn’t commit to a new game.”
RT @C418: I am pretty sure Sony will do anything to not sell this device at 599$. How about 529? Yeah, that sounds less evil and corporate.
The ‘evil’ George Washington DLC for Assassin’s Creed is pretty weird. What’s next? Lincoln joins the confederacy?
RT @jon_cham: When your C++ template does not compile just start adding random 'typename' statements to the code. Some compilers like more typename.
I think my car radio crashed. Sigh.
The Elgato Game Capture HD is a really solid little piece of hardware. If you have video capture needs, I highly recommend it (Mac & PC).
RT @MiraDessy: Kashi GoLean cereal found to have 100% #GMO soy. #DontEatThat #health
RT @gte: @parislemon Having worked in games for a decade: Yup. I'm pretty sure this will be the last generation of dedicated consoles.
RT @avantgame: Elon Musk delivered what has to be on of the greatest take-downs of all time. http://www.teslamotors.com/blog...
Now the announcement that Jeri Ellsworth is no longer at Valve makes more sense, given broader layoffs at Valve.
f.lux is especially nice when I get up at 5:30am b/c I can’t sleep, and start working - no need to stare at a “blue” bright screen.
RT @DietDoctor1: Swedes Consuming Low-Fat Dairy Products Gain More Weight! http://www.dietdoctor.com/swedes-...
RT @CastIrony: I watch the Grammys to learn who sings all the songs I hate. #getoffmylawn
RT @newsycombinator: The Web Is Becoming SmallTalk http://zacharyvoase.com/2013...
RT @daringfireball: Tesla Model S vs. the East Coast: http://daringfireball.net/linked...