Michele Lorito-Chase

Paper.li Ambassador • Entrepreneur • Web Strategist • Speaker • StartupBus Alumna • Founder @BarcampSWFL + JuniorCamp CoLearningSpaces + Story Project
Hidden Jobs App - Discover the Hidden Job Market - http://hiddenjobsapp.com/
Johnnyneon's -Your time is gonna come - Thank you "Live" - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Mad World performed by Johnnyneon - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
American Dream Part I ~ By Johnnyneon.mp4 - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
22 Million Workers Used Social Networks to Land Their Current Job | PCWorld - http://www.pcworld.com/article...
Recruiters Seek E-Commerce Executives - WSJ.com - http://online.wsj.com/article...
American Dream -Las Vegas Stage Special FX Simulation.mp4 - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Dress for Success: Who We Are: Sponsors - http://www.dressforsuccess.org/whowear...
dlvr.it : feed your blog to twitter and facebook - http://dlvr.it/
The A-Z Dictionary of Educational Twitter Hashtags - Edudemic - http://edudemic.com/2011...
undefined - Michele Lorito-Chase
Re: Getting all A’s in school! - http://blog.learnstream.info/post...
"Kudos to Bonifer for the spot on comment. 1. School Districts are losing students = Loss of money from the state = Job losses 2. Schools are closing due to lack of state money = Job losses = Over-Crowded Schools = Deficiencies in Education 3. School Districts and Teachers teach Life Long Learning principles, but everything stops when the bell rings. 4. Most classes that are taught, can be taught virtually. It's going to change anyway. Schools can be ready for the transition by embracing innovative collaboration among administrators, teachers, parents and students. Administrators should be looking for ways to innovate their schools, so that they shine and serve as a prototype for other schools. Every industry has been turned on its head. Professionals in all fields have had to adapt and it is no different for education. Some decide to bury their heads in the sand, while others choose to lead the way - brave enough to experiment while achieving their goals." - Michele Lorito-Chase
10 Tools to Significantly Increase Your Twitter Efficiency - http://arkarthick.com/2011...
Sell Files Online, Sell Downloadable Software, Sell Music, Digital Goods - http://store.payloadz.com/
Focus on Shestokas by Nathaniel Elijah Gromalski - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Dave Shestokas, Candidate Fort Myers City Council Ward 6 - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Operation Warrior Wellness | Russell Brand's Fundraiser on Crowdrise - http://www.crowdrise.com/Operati...
Invested.in | Raise Money, Reach Goals, Build Community! - http://invested.in/
Photoshop backgrounds at PSD Graphics - http://www.psdgraphics.com/
Photoshop backgrounds at PSD Graphics - http://www.psdgraphics.com/
Signup for Free Customized Business Plans at Enloop.com - http://www.enloop.com/plans_a...
Signup for Free Customized Business Plans at Enloop.com - http://www.enloop.com/plans_a...
60 Impressive Free High Resolution Textures and Backgrounds - http://www.photoshoproadmap.com/Photosh...
55+ Extremely Useful Online Generators for Designers - http://www.balkhis.com/web-des...
PatternCooler | Cool Seamless Background Pattern Designs for Web and Graphic Projects, Blogs, Twitter, MySpace, Mobile Phone Wallpapers, - http://www.patterncooler.com/index...
Download Free Repeat Patterns - http://pattern8.com/
Free High Resolution Textures - Lost and Taken - http://lostandtaken.com/
Subtle Patterns | Free textures for your next web project - http://subtlepatterns.com/
Re: Big Think, Small Movement | Entrepreneur.com - http://www.entrepreneur.com/article...
"This is golden: "Take a moment to understand how your solutions make your client shine to his or her audience." Several years ago, I had the good fortune of having one of my mentors explain to me that I had one job and one job only - To make my boss look good. Not only is it serving a client or company you work at the highest possible level, but they also sign your checks." - Michele Lorito-Chase